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Can't believe I fell for the jpgf meme without falling for the jbw meme first
What a waste of $2500
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Do you read manga just to see things you won't have and wish you had them?
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>>498822we need more idols with cute curls
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>>498833new and improved with beautiful curls, iori is like 30 now anyways.
>>498820all the epic as hell mainstream gaia inkwells (and hima because they're so norm they make mero look like truNEETs) are convinced the only reason they cant get laid is because theyre pajeets or exceptionally effeminate orientals.
so they constantly talk about how you need to 'just being white' and go to china or sea without realizing they could do the same shit if they went to africa, balkans, or russia.
>>498840Jbw is a fact of life
Look at dating site statistics
And no, the only time anyone with a darker complexion has an advantage is when looking up blonde nordic bimbos with white guilt issues and you better be full on somalian pirate
If you are white you are a fakecel