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Also, I'm glad I killed this thread… with no replies!
>>498853No, it was d*ni who was spamming ota with that Star Wars show.
T. is a single digit IQ faggot, but I believe even him knows that Star Wars is garbage.
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What? Who?
>>498852What is that heart next to the post?
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>>498855I thought about making an idol thread, but it just felt wrong…
>>498856>What? Who? The Who's guitarist.
>What is that heart next to the post?I've already answered you once. 4chanX adds some features on ota.
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>>498859>d*ni is literally deadI seriously think he is either dead, in prison, or the looney bin.
I am whatmin and haven't seen him for several months now, on here or ota.'
If anyone has heard from him anytime recently, I'd like to hear
>>498864He lived in Norway and had a registered disability in the best welfare state in the world.
I find it more likely that he is dead, in prison, or looney bin, than just entirely leaving /jp/ community suddenly without saying anything or ever even once going back.
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>>498862Well, he still posts on mero but not regularly, I think he posted last month.
>>498867He stopped posting on ota and all the other spinoffs at the same exact time too.
>he still made threads on /jp/ and /a/Ok post them.
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>>498871Judge yourself, he's the only tinfoil hat norwegian poster I know.
>>498900I posted here:
>>498858 What do you think? If he truly is autistic it's believable.
>>498908Maybe it's true, but he can be a pedofreak and a sperg at the same time.
Most of the paedophiles I know have mental problems.