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No. 499376

You nibbas need to get into kancolle.
- great anime
- very cute girls
- countryballing
- vivid community
- hamakaze pantsu
- cute oneechan botes
- cute lolibotes
- cute milfbotes


Don't you mean "boat"?


I've always loved hairy boat girls


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Who's the oldest cakebote?


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Cakes aren't really a thing in kancolle, you can just marry your botes after all. If you are looking for someone who would fit the 30s something oneechan drinking beer after office work, there are lots of botes. Maybe Kirishima or Haruna would be up in your alley


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realistically a lot of ww2 boats sank very quickly into their service
the boats are either toddlercon or granny porn


I just can't. I don't like anything to do with war.


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Actually the anime answers this. Shipgirls are created with the soul of the original ships, they are not them entirely. There is a moment in the anime in which akagi remembers a moment of the life of the old ship, very emotional, it makes me want to nuke murica(actually murica deserves lots of nukes but corona chan will just do the thing). Anyway I'm here to spread love, not hate
If you guys like kanji, you will like this series too because the ships are named after trad stuff (lots of interesting readings) and the futaba community is also well educated and uses lots of kanji outside of JLPT


Gonna sink my new and improved 21" "wet heater" torpedo into one of the sterns of these /ota/ boat homos detonating deep inside their aft, flooding their engine compartment, they'll be gasping for breath with a gaping hullpussy, and they tense up, locking their rudder and shaft in place as they helplessly flail their weak as shit 25mm arms and I smile, watching them drown beneath the waves of ecstasy, knowing that I claimed them as their first and last encounter.


PSA for teens: spelling something differently does not make it an epic meme, whether it be "kewl", "thicc" or "botes".


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I just wanna live with cute botegirls, please help ;_;


Priconne is better


But there's already azur lane. Which is the true boat franchise?


kancolle is reclining


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Kind of amazing every ship has the soul of a busty and hairy girl. I guess that's why they call ships a she.


okay fine botes are now allowed in ota


is it true the term "flight deck" refers to something else?


I like some of their more grounded designs but most of them are meh

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