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No. 499504

Don't buy it if you don't know what the fuck you are doing. I bought a PC and now the cpu fan makes some goddamn rattling noises and I have no idea how to solve this. PC has several problems like this that can happen. If you don't know how to build one, just buy a PS5, you're much safer.


i had some problems when i built my gaming pc and im still not sure if some things are set up properly
lately the photo program in windows 10 will just load up a window that is completely grey and never actually show the window decorations or picture that im trying to open
not sure if this is a virus or maybe my hard drive is just shitting itself


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how the fuck can you not handle the technical side of a fucking pc you retarded faggot fuck
I bet you think putting one together is a challenge too


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don't buy a gaming pc just buy a weak lappy for anime and visual novels


This thread was brought to you by Sony Interactive Entertainment.


i bought a mac mini recently and its the most pleasant computer hardware i've ever encountered. the ssd is soldered though so if that ever fails the computer becomes somewhat useless.


/nen/ said that building a PC is "pretty much like legos" and if you can't even do that then "you're probably retarded"


That wasn't nen, that was me on /nen/. I immediately got shut down for raining on others parade. Which is funny, because a PC is plugging stuff where it belongs


it kind of is, just you'll be more afraid of breaking something
you screw down the motherboard then you just plug things in
then you toss on some paste and the cpu cooler


Not really. With Legos all piece can easily fit together no matter what, but when building a PC you actually have to do some research and buy the correct parts that are compatible with each other.


Not all legos fit together. Bionicle pieces for example are going to be mostly incompatible with regular lego pieces.


Bionicles arent legos. inb4 "but they're made by the Lego company". That's like getting gameboy game and expecting it to work on the switch because it's Nintendo.


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The majority of your computer parts just come down to physical space in the case and your number of sata and power supply ports. I guess there's a little more with your motherboard+cpu and overckocking, but it's pretty great how uniform most consumer computer parts are.


Of course building PCs is easy now for you teens since you have easy access to the internet. You don't even have to worry about installing drivers since operating systems do that automatically for you. Things weren't the same back in the '90s though. Building a working PC that didn't have any issues was a real achievement back then.


I have been building mine since I was like 14 and I am almost 33 now. If you can't take the time and effort to learn how to build one then buy a Mac and play Candy Crush.


Sigh wish I was a 90s kid, the 90s sound epic


but then you'd be old now


mine sounds worried sometimes too and I spilled some rain water on it like I left the window open and the rain tripped and fell into the graphics card but I cried out and it's ok now I think but what if it's not oh duck oh geese


I screwed my cooler in and realized the way I put it in it blocked one of the RAM slots and I checked the mobo manual and it said that was one of the optimized slots so I had to reverse the cooler. I didn't have any paste though so I didn't want to take the heatsink off the CPU and ruin the seal so I unscrewed the fan from the heatsink (it's an AMD stock cooler) but the fan screw are at a weird angle so it took me like half an hour to get it off and flip it around and screw it back in so I could put the RAM in the right slots, and once I did all that and first booted it said the RAM was in the unoptimized slots so I didn't even have to flip the fan around it was a total waste of time. but I swear I checked the manual like 100 times before flipping the fan around I was sure I had the right slots but I guess not


What if he's an 80s kid and was wishing he were born later?

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