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>>499601Refrain from using cute gays for your incessant incel whine boidcreep posts immediately.
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>>499608Damn this is the best channel on youtube.
Abandoned 2007-2010 channel from a real otaku girl.
She has a 2010 video of her doing the Hare Hare Yukai dance from Haruhi in a Hello Kitty shirt.
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>>499615Or she just got on with her life and stopped uploading videos to this youtube channel, eventually forgetting her password or that it even existed.
Btw it's not Pygma but she does share a strong resemblance. Maybe there's something about this phenotype the predisposes girls to this sort of behavior and interests?
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oatmin ban the fucking hopeless romantics
>real otaku girlIn what way? There's a dime a dozen girls like her and they all are the same attention craving, posturing, neurotic whores.
Pretty loner girls who are "just like me!!!" do not exist. It's just the way it is. The only tru-otaku girls are morbidly obese fujos.
>>499622>The only tru-otaku girls are morbidly obese fujos.Teenagers who don't understand 99% of men want to fuck them, because they're still illegal no men show interest in them.
Once they realize their sexual value can get them entirely through life on easy mode, things change.
>>499622I'll just marry the Jap in my office once I work up the courage to confess
Who needs a real otakugirl when I can get an authentic jp one
>>499629How the fuck are you supposed to take any girl on a date or even get to her or do literally anything?
In America they have no respect for you if you have no car.
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>Daily drive a 500hp awd homologation WRC rally car >Still not enough for your average foid People are concerned with the housing market but the foid market has been in an immense bubble for over a decade with no sign of crashing
>>499635I specifically remember seeing Jerry, Kramer, and George having cars in New York it's a luxury and sometimes easier/faster to just get around with public transportation
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>>499637Do you like dick?
Because the only imageboard relationship like that you're getting comes with one.
>>499639Now that you mention it my occasional daydreams about a hypothetical romantic partner and life companion have started to have quite a gay slant to them.
Wanna date? We could watch anime together and maybe hug and stuff…
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End the life of ever foid.