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The smell.
Imagine an all girls school and it just stinks like bitches, periods, hair products, sweat, perfume, pussy, feet
Virgin pussies bleeding, tight buttholes…
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You damn right I love girls! From the head down to the shoes. Both 2D and 3D (though 2D is better)
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Definitely the hair, it makes the girl.
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>>499674I love their hair too, Henri! Do you like them long or short?
I really
really like them long, waist long but longer if possible.
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>>499675That being said, I love many short-haired girls too.
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>>499675Long and sometimes fun things in it.
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Their malice.
Sure I hate norms but I could never muster the same amount of pure toxic disdain that boils forth from the heart of a foid when she has been mildly inconvenienced by a low status ugly male.
You have to respect it on some level.
>>499706Boy here.
Love it.
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how much they love each other