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No. 499958

Any weed otaku here on 420? I just ate a bunch of edibles and I am going to through the 4 grams on indica I bought today in a single night.


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pot dispensaries and liquor stores were classified as 'essential services' so drug addicts can get their fix while I can't even get toilet paper at the store

fucking drug addicts should be forced to detox during quarantine


I have never heard of anyone being addicted to weed. Liquor stores are an essential service because alcohol withdrawal is fatal like 80% of the time and people can't just stop cold turkey.


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I am extremely sensitive to cannabis.

If I take too much (which is barely any) my lungs get cottonlung, I can't breathe, get cold, shake, my limbs tingle or lose sensation, get dizzy, feel like my blood is flowing wrong, and generally feel really bad.

There is a very fine line between me enjoying cannabis and feeling like I'm going to die.

I could definitely die from a large dose of cannabis, the statistics saying no one has died are meaningless, plenty of people have died due to bad reactions.


And before you say it's just a panic attack please shut the fuck up.

The bad reaction and symptoms are very real due to my genetics, yes I get anxiety/panic because literally anyone would and it exacerbates some symptoms.


That's completely reasonable.

Your lungs are extremely soft, sensitive organs that were not designed to breathe in anything other than clean air.


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It's not actually from the smoke/vapor.

I get the same reaction when eating it.

People commonly talk about cottonmouth, it's actually an effect of the drug itself even when taken orally, not just the smoke/vapor. I already have lung problems and the same "cotton" effect happens to my throat/lungs, and my entire body goes haywire.


Try to drink some water everytime you take a hit.


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got burn holes in my hoodie, nico thinks its dank


I had completely forgotten I had some sativa already rolled and the shit hit me like a freight train.


>all these drugnorms
how did ota fall so far?


Weed is legal now and more and people are smoking it. Get used to it.


you will change your mind after you fap while high


>They hated drugs up until the government said it's ok, now drugs are their best friends

I hate norms


ban these teens back to 420chan



>brazilshitter is a stoner
I am an incomparable homo big surprise there


I live in America and I am proud to support the cannabis industry.


stop smoking plants


I have never smoked weed but I have done other drugs which I think its weird because most people start with pot


i took a bunch of edibles one time. had convulsions and didnt feel normal until a week later.


Rookie mistake. Most edibles depending on the potency can take almost two hours to take effect and people try to rush it along because they are impatient and don't feel anything.

Next time start out small and increase the dosage depending on how well your tolerance is.


rookie mistake is doing this shit in the first place retards.


rookie mistake is complaining about plants on an image dump board


He was probably sheltered by his mom and was convinced just smoking a bowl would lead him to being homeless on Skid Row and giving a head for a line of coke.


> can take almost two hours to take effect

I've had it kick in over 5 hours after eating it, and kick in really hard.


rookie mistake is posting weed threads on a cartoon girl board


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i mix resin into mct oil and milk and then drink it on a relatively empty stomach

takes about 45-60 mins to start feeling it
peaking at around 2 hours


Imagine what we could have done if we had the chance to vote for this man…



I really want to start messing around with cooking and other things but I am too damn lazy.

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