File: 1587423392922.jpg (163.51 KB, 717x1000, sample-876b01b9c410bf72c86….jpg)

File: 1587431152745.jpg (87.44 KB, 700x900, ENhwPfZU8AIMllm.jpg)

Some hooligan spraypainted a huge purple N on my shed and opened the gate to the bunny corral letting them run all wild.
File: 1587431156258.jpg (796.63 KB, 758x2400, otagets.jpg)

Don't even wanna screencap this one
File: 1587431822041.jpg (260.74 KB, 1400x875, sample-ce56760d7bc9e875e08….jpg)

>>500019- 1 year
- 1 year
- 1.5 years
- 2.25 years
/jp/ is reclining
>>500021That's because I wasn't here 2018-2019.
Just wait boys, your /ota/ is about to get a whole lot more epic