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No. 500254


Antibody tests are available now, about 14% of new yorkers had the virus. Likely over 1.1 million cases in NY, the official count is only 250,000 confirmed cases. The death total however is probably very accurate, as if you die from this virus, you're processed by coroner and it's a known cause of death.

About 15,000 deaths in NY.

Real death rate = ~1.28%

Over 99% of that 1.28% who died had pre-existing medical conditions and many of those were elderly.


If the media never talked about this virus, you wouldn't know about it. If it was never discovered, you wouldn't know about it, the disease would continue to be diagnosed as "upper respiratory infection", total deaths are actually down from this time last year, you would not think anything was out of the ordinary.

This is the power the media has, to cause economic collapse over extreme fear mongering, which has a far higher causality rate in homelessness, suicide, addiction, and poverty-related health conditions.

And why? In part literally to make Trump look bad, the same agenda the media has been pushing for 4 years and successfully influenced into the minds of non-independent thinkers across America. The deranged Trump hating leftists/democrats in media and government hate Trump so bad they will do anything to make Trump look bad during his term, and lower his chances of winning the next election.


Iori is some kind of idol


> to make Trump look bad
Yeah that's why Wuhan and Italy went on lockdowns.


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We need more dead norms


Then your best hope is that the media fear-mongering continues and the shutdown causes more homelessness, suicide, poverty, drug use, etc.

That's the only way you're getting more dead norms out of this and not just killing old people in nursing homes who would've died from the next cold/flu they got.


Boomers are norms too.


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My cousin who is only a couple years older has it and might not make it.
Do not want.


hope henrinorm gets it and dies


would he be buried with his dolls?


Imagine seethe so much because of someone on the Internet.
Imagine being a teen.


Die already norm


How low will airfares be one Japan lifts their lockdown? Imagine going to Japan just for a day trip or two just to buy figurines and games for only like $100 each way.


They're already more expensive than that right now, and they're not going to get cheaper than now.


Cringe teen seething.
Rent free.


if that's actually true then that's ten times higher fatality rate than the average seasonal flu

so if we extrapolate the death count using that fatality rate and the number of people that get infected by the average seasonal flu to simulate what would happen if we just let this spread uninhibited, we get, ignoring the fact covid is at least two times more transmissible than the regular flu at the very least but possibly even more, a global death toll of four million using the lower estimates and over 12 million dead by using the higher, and that's while completely ignoring what would happen to the death rate after the health systems worldwide inevitably collapsed under the strain

good job, dipshit


The best thing about all of this? Rich people having to do things for themselves (cleaning, cooking and laundry) because they can't have their fancy housekeepers come over.


My math was actually wrong, Google gave me the population of NYC.

There's 19.5 million people in NY state.

14% of 19.5 million = 2.7 million (COVID-19 cases)

15,000 is 0.56% of 2.7 million

The actual death rate is ~0.56%

And the vast majority, over 99%, were already sick/old.


provided these numbers you're pulling out of your ass are correct that's still 2~ million / 6~ million in a magical best case scenario with infinite hospital capacities and the same transmission rates as the regular flu, you fucking idiot

but yeah, trump, right? good god


You're assuming a fucking 100% infection rate.

Herd immunity would build rapidly far before anything even near that, reducing transmission rates.


Herd immunity happens at around 80% immunity rate.


Den why Sweden gon have herd munity?


no, I am doing simple extrapolation using the estimates of how much people get annually infected by the common seasonal flu despite the fact coivd is far more infectious than the common flu


201,000 people die a month in the US, most of them from preventable causes.

Or about 2.4 million deaths per year.

You gonna cry over these?


nice goalpost moving, retard


>You gonna cry over these?
You aren't?


Deaths aren't a contest where the best one takes them all. They keep getting added on top of one another.


Sweden's system isn't working. They have a top tier case fatality rate.

It seems like more US papers are looking at them than anyone else in an attempt to justify working to death.


you seem like a nice poster i like you


Imagine trying to say with a straight face that you love America and that the American people are strong and then you see people protesting in masses over the closure of cities and states.



50,000 confirmed deaths and a president who literally wants you to drink bleach as a method of protection. Are you still proud to be an American?


i've never been proud of being in america


Imagine sucking on Iori's wet sweaty pucci after that match


>If it was never discovered, you wouldn't know about it
ya just like the black plague where no one knew what it was but that didnt stop millions from dying


I accidentally used up all the bleach to clean earlier this week so am I going to die because there is none left to drink?


you don't drink it retard. The virus is in your lungs; you have to submerge yourself in it and inhale it.


I don't think "he says dumb things" is the hill that Biden supporters should want to die on.


why is kim jong undead trending


Why do you know what's trending


It was leaked earlier in the week that he had severe complications from surgery that left him brain dead. China said they would send medical experts in an effort to give the impression that everything was under control but not before the western media ran stories about the true situation.


He's dead according to Japan. I bet they are dancing in the streets right now.


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True, I'd rather die in a vat of bleach


will he rise from the dead


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