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No. 500598

What's being NEET like in Japan?

The entire society has a word for you and thinks about you at least, even if it's bad opinions, they understand you.

Unlike the west where your kind doesn't even exist in the public mind.


its weird how my mom thinks that me getting my own place is going to completely change my personality and habits
like all of a sudden im gonna decide to get a job and start socializing random people and hang with the bros every saturday instead of being shutin neet like ive always been


Once I realized the two primary reasons norms bother to move out are impressing other norms and inviting girls over to bang I figured theres no reason to spend a large portion of my salary to do so.


Living on your own is nice. I can jack off where ever I want, and I don't have to share space in the fridge.


Also you can sing along to songs without embarrassing yourself

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