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>>500826Yes. When you're handsome enough, you literally can talk to a girl for 1 minute, just pull her hand to a nearby private place and start kissing her. She will fuck you. It's this simple.
Some girls will pull you to a private place when you just ask them to fuck.
It's chad life.
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>>501155sigh feel when no norm shooting gf
>>501182What a stuck-up cunt. I bet the dude and his family must have been fun to be around.
>>501182>Also still uglyThis was the only actual problem she had with him. Everything else she just came up with in her head to cope into giving her loftier reasons for leaving.
Chad can be the biggest meme spamming retard and have droves of girls after his memes, just look at Pewdiepie.
>>501187Yep. She simply couldn't find anything on him, so she thought up he was immature. And even if that was the case, which it probably wasn't, she'd not care or consider it a negative if he was handsome.
Halo effect does some PREDICTABLE shit.
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>>501192You're going to have to wake up eventually, why not make today the day?
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>>501220Toxic personality huh
And yet all of those violent offenders doing time in prison never seem to have had a problem getting girls… In fact a lot of them even manage to pull girls while IN prison.
Really jogs the nog…
This is the part where you tell me that making a post on the internet mildly critical of women is worse than being a child beating drug dealing murderous gangster.
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Why do you retards care so much about real women?
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>>501234In the beginning it was just me.
Now there is a whole celsquad patrolling the spinoffs and dispensing pills and the numbers will only grow.
The masses will be awakened whether they want to be awake or not.
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/ota/ - A tripfag and a tranny vs. two virgins (ages 30 and 20)
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>decide to open hidden thread glued to top of page
>barf everywhere
How much longer must we suffer…
>>501243these freaks dont give a shit. for them its a victory if daily posts drop from 10 to 2 as long as both posts about incessant boidcelshit crap.
and creepmin is complicit in not hellbanning them, their posts deserve to be thrown into an empty void just like they do.
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>>501253You can't win, norms
>>501253How is celshit any worse than idolshit jo threads.
I'm not saying we need to ban idol threads, I'm just asking how this is really any worse.
>>501244you are the norm, retard
>>501246it's by no means a perfect metric, but the time it took for every consecutive 100000 post rapidly increased during the 2017-18 timeframe which if I recall correctly is also the time this c*lshit spam started
and seriously, even looking the current state of the board, outside the occasional garbage discussions like this one it's just spam bump of month old threads and it feels like the board gets 15 posts a day
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It's true the board dies when someone bumps a full page of old threads to slide other threads.
People look at the front page full of month old threads and continuing bump spam and then decide to not post and leave.
>>501261You mean love "is it weird that maki is the same age as me?" live threads are.
You can't even be an hopeless romantic at 18. You don't know whether you're a true low status male or late bloomer until at least 25.
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>>501287celshit wishes it was gay