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No. 501390


>Sengoku Rance
>Decent setup but the confusing gameplay made me drop it faster than a piano on Jupiter
>hates every overdrive game, eats up dies irae and majikoi
>Elf fetish, I have not. Also, a high school romance.

He also rated kara no shoujo 2 higher than 1. I just don't understand how this happen, I was reading other people's reviews of musicus, and was curious why he gave it a 1. I'd assume he has a non-existant sense of humor based on the games he doesn't like, but then he likes majikoi. Like he gave fucking dracu-riot a 7 of all things too.

My best guess is he just has a type of girl he likes and gives the game a 2 if she's not present?


Is that your list?


No, I found it while reading what other people thought of musicus, and found a treasure trove of retarded takes.


Lets be real, nobody hates White Album.


Yeah I agree on White album being good, but the rest is really fucking bizarre.
Also it's probably henri:
>Aa Mama ni Naru! ~Anata o Omotte Afureru Oppai~
>Honestly a good nukige, I enjoyed myself in more ways than one. The art is fucking hot, the siuations are extremely erotic and it's just a fun ride. It's nothing too deep, but I don't think it needs to be as long as it delivered on its concept well and it did. Ryouko is such an amazing heroine and being able to hear her thoughts is quite refreshing. The whole mama thing is good too (guess my fetsh lol).


Somehow I don't think this person is ota

By the way you can teencord them at llee1000#9388 if you want to know why they have weird opinions


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Obviously the anime and manga doesn't match up, and most of that vn list I've never played. I'd prob like Mama though.


Why do people take the time to read when you can just watch anime


Sex scenes


Anime is too hard to focus on and usually poorly paced and/or inferior to whatever it’s an adaptation of. Reading requires your constant attention so it’s more engaging.


hell yeah /b/ros lets go harass and bully some random person on the internet. epic and based!

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