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File: 1588451036789.png (229.43 KB, 600x800, 1471550647721.png)

Un Otamín del burrito.
Really can't believe the reCONSPIRACYes.
File: 1588521871079.jpg (58.4 KB, 1200x684, DDpgmLYUAAAFVlZ.jpg)

Who was otamin trying to filter? It isn't or was ever in use on /jp/, the W, and probably not gnfos.
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Well we've made it to stage 3
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>>501636Because someone made this thread with this image when the new /ota/ was created. No.501799
>>501638Did people even like wahachan that much in its last days, I liked aa few of the ii/shana boards in the merge, but the main boards were full, and the news and random board were basically just sling talking to himself besides the epic as hell name-fag jokes.
Also it was a legitimate issue becuase a lot of the less trafficked boards were filling up with cp on the regular.
Also I forgot how angry I get when I see kashiwagi-san, what an awful manga.