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>>501989ehh~ really? Come on anon no one cares about those boomertubers anymore. Look at those numbers sink!
It's all about hololives and nijisanjis these days grampa.
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>>501990Runa can't even break a mil…
What are these hololives and nijisanjis you speak of? Are they cute?
Someone post the doggy one!
>>501993Get out hopeless romantic nothing wrong with these keeping you away
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I love this semen demon. We need more lewd vtubers.
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Well as for me it's Rin. I love her!
>>501992>What are these hololives and nijisanjis you speak of?They're like the anime version of twitch. More focused on actual livestreaming instead of prerecording videos. This means a constant flow of content.
The mistake a lot of the OGs did was do events collaborations that would often mean days or weeks without new videos. Kizuna's team had an idea to get around this, but it blew up in their face and her reputation still hasn't really recovered.
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We've finally come full circle. The average poster here is so bad that I'd rather talk about this stuff with the Gaiaors and broposting /v/tards currently invading the 4/jp/ threads.
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>>502030It's not paint, it's called a highlight
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>>502082I'm convinced 80%+ Vstreamers are streaming drunk.
>>502177No surprise since a large amount of them are cakes. For example, the girl in
>>502000 is said to be in her 40s.
>>502229I want a citation on that. Specifically addressing sales and lead female roles.
It doesn't mean anything if there are 3 JAV actresses two of whom are 40+ when the 20 year old one gets 99% of the sales. And it doesn't matter if there are 3 seiyuu two of whom are 40+ when one is playing the mother, one is playing the cat, and the 20 year old one is playing the high school girl everyone wants to have sex with.
>>502809thats sad but apparently this happened back in january? hopefully it all got resolved for her, that sounds like a hassle to deal with.
post more kaguya luna
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>>502818If she's in an apa-to I'm sure the people next door love her.
>>502822I thought otamin turned this filter off?
He is relentless
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>>502834oh goodness me what a troubled young lady.
this is what liberal society does to people she'd be so much better off as a docile subservient child rearer with a strong husband.
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>>502847The culprit is most likely alcohol. If anything she is doing mating calls.
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>>503356>>503356OTA STANDS WITH KIZUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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