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Zoomers like anime and are extremely steeped in gay culture. Go to any trendy store in a shopping mall in any major urban center and you'll see tons of random anime shit on the shelves even if it doesn't match the theme of the store.
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>>502017I donut know what that is…
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Probably 90% of chance of "no" and 5% of chance of a strange answer, but are you going to vote, Henriboy?
>>502037Are you a liberal?
Not that I care, I'm a conservative, but I can love people even when they disagree with my political opinions (and as a political scientist that happens a lot since I only think about politics)
>>502031>>502032it was because henri said regular vs. gay/trans/people who put pronouns in their bio which is
and bad
>>502039absolutely not
>>502005This is some sort of confirmation bias logic, I'd say
These days being a queer is very popular so it stands to reason that a lot of groups/fandoms/communities/etc are going to have a "surprisingly" large amount of those people.
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Why does his nose look like that
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>>502117hey boid I know a great way to get rid of those few mm of bone you're always complaining about
>>502131That post is most likely a boid stirring the pot
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>>502139Really dun goofed huh…
Can't tell if trolls or legit. Maybe I should just delly it.
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>>502142i forgive you henri
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I also endorse Henri, but don't you guys think you're taking him too serious? It's just a thread, he didn't say anything for you guys to react this way.
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Someone getting a permaban from nen I am an incomparable homooooooooooo
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>>502192you have bad taste, tokiko is a yuri princess to end all princesses
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>>502215I have foobar v1.3.2 which might be old if you recently downloaded it. It appears to be on default [file > preferences > display].
>>502221Who is leading the poll? Post the site again.
I've been slack in acquiring voting tickets but I still managed 400+, don't know who to vote for still.
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>>502241 There are several trackers and all had a different lineup of the same general idols. Tsujino Akari (new apple girl) and shark girl are being shilled for the most.
Tokiko is consistently in the top 10-15. One tracker had her higher. I dumped my 300 or so tickets on her.
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>>502279You want to see problematic? You don't want to see problematic.
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Trans rights.
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>>502033it kinda bothers me how much they look like ISes in the 2nd anime
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Trans rights.
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ironically, henri and a few others spamming idols all the time is why this place is so unrelated to most of 08-13 /jp/
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Trans rights.
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>>502432>an entire forum built around a fandom that religiously obsesses over a piece of media with a diverse cast of characters each with a unique personality, character traits, and designsyeah yep yup nothing at all similar between the /jp/ touhou posters and the spinoff 2d idolfriends, what's your next bit of wisdom o' great otachi?
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Yeah, don't really want to talk with any of the people here if I can't use my tripcode. I'm going to seethe for a bit and then dip, see you never losers.
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look at this doood
>>502487The licence agreement that you abide by when using vichan and I guess Tinyboard states you're not allowed to touch the footers or you're breaking copyright.
It's really wierd that everyone latched onto a software with such a petty clause.
>>502197That was me.
>>502198Fuck off shitbar I will murder you
>>502500I only got personally interested in websites and software from taking part in /qa/. I humbly will accept my ignorance on this matter.
Though I see the effects to this day and they influence my concerns in what kind of outcomes may result from developing imageboards in open source
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>>502522don't talk shit about t dawg you canadian fuck
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Otamin: Haha wouldn't it be cute if I made him say it
Otamin, 12 hours later:
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Trans rights.
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>>502535Beg for forgiveness norm
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How come the oatman can change all of henri's posts but still can't figure out how to change blankposts into キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! ?
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He's also not corrupting the memory of the 3rd hottest anime princess anymore.
>>502595idk maybe it was whatmin who figured out how to do it and he told them about it… something like that definitely happened
but i know otamin definitely tried to make it work but couldn't figure it out
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>>502626whatmin here
He'd have to delete the whole board, there is no way he could upgrade to vichan from a tinyboard installation this old.
>>502629Vichan looks literally no different.
/what/ is running vichan.
Whatever you're thinking of isn't vichan or is stuff done on top of vichan.
>>502147I miss old nanoha.
It's really weird when a series of works changes creative perspectives so you get stuff like aria or nanoha where characters were implied to be straight with interest in male peers and then the male peers get written out and they go full yuri-fag pandering.
It might even be ok if they just tried to keep it reasonable and not just write out main characters for no real reason, but most of them just try to turn things into the most generic yuri-fag 0 males in the cast stuff ever; but I just don't get the purpose of hijacking an existing work to make something so pointlessly generic.
Hell, plenty of the best anime with lesbian main characters manage to do it without having to write out every male or possible male.