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Can someone give me a quick rundown of what's going on?
Not reading all that shit.
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>>502496if henri posts with his name+trip, anything he types is wordfilterd to:
Trans Rights.
it's of course solved incredibly easily by changing any character in his name or making a new trip, but he's steamed as hell
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That's not true OP. Even if basedmin destroys this site, even if all other /jp/s were to disappear, even if all otaku culture were to vanish overnight, that /jp/ dream would still burn as brightly as it did the day of the split.
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i will never forgive teenmin
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>>502498That's not cool, why is he doing it?
Is otamin a tranny and Henri said something against trannies?
Or does otamin not like trannies and trying to make Henri look like he's a tranny?
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The norms laughed and carried on
But now they have learned that the cels always have the last laugh
The Great Dabbening is upon us and The Basedmin is out for blood
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>>502509Does she really represent cels if she killed the super gamer?
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>>502512and that's a good thing
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bet henri had a bunch of good anime mothers day posts lined up that otamin had to silence