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No. 503015



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can sino-bloods be african?


Still can't believe how many great artists and animators died in one day just like that, all because of one disgusting piece of human trash


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It took some time for the Kyoani fire to really sink in for me.

- K-on
- Lucky Star
- Chuunibyou
- Hyouka
- Haruhi
- Dragon Maid
- Amagi Brilliant Park
- Tamako Market

All some of my best anime memories.

Whenever I'd see Kyoani on a seaonal anime list, I would always have some hope that even though everything else was shit, maybe that wouldn't be (unless it was gay ass Free! or Hibike Euphonium).

Consistently THE highest animation and art style quality of any seasonal anime creators.

Now Kyoani is basically gone, too much of the core talent died, and it will never be the same for those left.


Maybe they shouldn't have stolen his work, huh?


kyoani really had a way of turning subpar light novels into really amazing anime with beautiful art direction


errr are those really your favorite kyoani works?
like the haruhi movie, clannad as, lucky star, and fumoffu are class acts; amagi and k-on are good.
It's kinda weird to hear someone say their best experiences watching anime are fairly average comedies that just look good, I even like hyouka and cool kyoushisha have trouble calling those shows more than that


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>Consistently THE highest animation and art style quality of any seasonal anime creators


yeah, I wouldn't really call them that, I'd agree they could've easily held that title in 05-12 with some competition from IG and sunrise, but it's really leveled out a lot this last decade.


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like the haruhi movie, clannad as, lucky star, and fumoffu are class acts; amagi and k-on are good.

I literally said Haruhi/Lucky Star/Amagi/K-on

I also like FMP Fumoffu (more than normal FMP).


This screenshot is from March 2014 btw.

It makes me really sad, in March 2014 everything still felt magical to me, I truly enjoyed anime and got immersed.

Can't remember the last time I've finished an anime now.


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yeah not sure how tamako and chuu2koi made their shortlist but eupho didn't, but i wasn't gonna attack them when they're mourning.

but maybe i just really liked eupho because of the shipbaiting and also the ost especially the big band theme and also the shipbaiting




fuck train otaku


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Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
A real gangsta-ass nigga plays his cards right
A real gangsta-ass nigga never runs his fucking mouth
'Cause real gangsta-ass niggas don't start fights
And niggas always gotta high cap
Showing all his boys how he shot 'em
But real gangsta-ass niggas don't flex nuts
'Cause real gangsta-ass niggas know they got 'em
And everything's cool in the mind of a gangsta
'Cause gangsta-ass niggas think deep
Up three-sixty-five ayo 24/7
'Cause real gangsta-ass niggas don't sleep
And all I gotta say to you
Wannabe, gonnabe, cock sucking, pussy-eating pranksters
Is when the fire dies down what the fuck you gonna do
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


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At night I can't sleep, I toss and turn
Candlesticks in the dark, visions of bodies bein' burned
Four walls just starin' at a nigga
I'm paranoid, sleepin' with my finger on the trigger
My mother's always stressin' I ain't livin' right
But I ain't goin' out without a fight
See, every time my eyes close
I start sweatin' and blood starts comin' out my nose
It's somebody watchin' the Ak'
But I don't know who it is, so I'm watchin' my back
I can see him when I'm deep in the covers
When I awake I don't see the motherfucker
He owns a black hat like I own
A black suit and a 'caine like my own
Some might say, "Take a chill, B."
But fuck that shit! There's a nigga tryin' to kill me
I'm poppin' in the clip when the wind blows
Every twenty seconds got me peepin' out my window
Investigatin' the joint for traps
Checkin' my telephone for taps
I'm starin' at the woman on the corner
It's fucked up when your mind's playin' tricks on ya


Gonna bone

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