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He's a legend in the bar with every scar fights a thousand bigger men,
But now he fights and looses got all the bruises will someone please step in?
Cause this Irish fools got a great big heart he keeps climbing back in to the ring
In the low down circles where he holds his court this man he once was king.
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kaede's getting sent to granblue to get BOYD
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>>503315There's no way any character is more powerful than her.
>>503321>>503321something shibe monaku
mieseteiru (look over here) something
something ni ha mie nai (can't see)
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Homies standing around just hanging some dope-dealing some gang-bangin
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>>503325I have literally never heard a Japanese person refer to themselves as just "ga" or "wa"
And I've only heard of a very pompous cat refer to himself as "waga"