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>>503743That's not even a katana…
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The last true katanas are from WW2.
I read that it's illegal to export swords from Japan, so you can't buy Japanese swords outside of Japan, and can't sneak them out because it's very easily detected by x-ray.
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>>503752There's still Japanese swordsmiths making katanas by hand, they just cost thousands of dollars.
I am well aware I'm trying to buy a Chinese or American made sword for under $100
Some of these are definitely functional for actual combat purposes though.
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>>503755I don't like 4000x4000 pixel images
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>>503782fucking based trueweeb
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No. Youre not going to find anything of quality.
You're better of purchasing a blunt western European short sword.
Why? Because you're still going to severally hurt anyone who is on the offensive or trying to break and entry while ensuring you're seen as on the defensive never intending to kill them incase you actually accidentally inflict deadly wounds.
Turn the blunt sword around and the short sword becomes a club. This also makes any intruder thinking you're bluffing to defend yourself with a knife that can clearly kill them void. Another thing is the assailant or intruder will not want to try to grab the short sword from you as opposed to a wooden bokken or club due to the sword being seen as possibly sharp, so they won't want to risk anything.
If you truly want something like a katana to defend yourself than I still reccomend a semi-blunt katana. This link below shows a cheap/fake knock off cases in yet another fake matchlock.
If you go against ana assailant with this they may beleive you actually have a gun all the wile being able to un-sheath, swing the blunt blade inflicting again a stopping blow while still being able to hold the blade to swing the hand like a club too.
Both options can be used as a grappling tool. The European short sword more so than the fake matchlock katana.
$50.00 No.503786
>>503746Wrong. Last true katana are just prior to the beginning of the Tokyugawa era. Anhthing part Tokugawa's supremacy after Sekigahara are not katana - even then the official consensus to cut off the title "katana" emded in 1573.
I'm not that stingy though.
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Cancelled my order, decided that I want a 1095 carbon steel sword.
Most 1095 carbon steel blades are several hundreds of dollars, I found this Chinese sword making company and Amazon seller that I think is legitimate and not lying.
Got one for only $120, already delisted it was the only one left. The 1060 carbon steel ones still up on the listing. No.503789
>>503788Even south Korean tradtional blacksmiths make better swords than the Japanese.
There was one japamese sword maker that moved to China back in like 2000 where the Chinese government (Hong Kong) allowed him to produce & export his blades to the U.S. The Japanese government wasn't allowing his swords leave Japan and when they did it was for the wealthy with so much red tape in Japanese bureaucracy that he wasn't able to produce swords without going bankrupt. I think he changed his name Paul Chen.
That said Korean swords by "Asuka" are great & are retain enough quality to 0ractice with them in cutting tatami mats.
>Even south Korean tradtional blacksmiths make better swords than the JapaneseWHOA did NOT mean to say that.
What I meant was South Koreans make better swords than the CHINESE**
>>503788you should cancel again, theres no difference between a $20 mall kiosk katana and these $100 ones from amazog, they're both solely decorative wallhangers that will literally break and possibly injure you if you try to do anything more than cut waterbottles. No, they're not handmade by master swordsmiths despite what the engirsh description about zelda ninja swords say, they're cranked out on an assembly line.
If you want something that can actually be used to cut bamboo shoots or handing beef slabs, then get a hanwei practical or something from ronin or maybe kult of athena. Heres a guide Otherwise save your money because you're overpaying a hundred dollars for a prop.
>>5038011095 carbon steel is 1095 carbon steel.
Why you believe a $230 sword you linked can be practical but it's not possible a $120 can be?
It's a Chinese sword maker, currency there is cheap compared to USD and not everything out of China is crap. While many parts like the handgaurd/sheath are definitely made through an automated factory process, it's certain that this company is some guys assembling swords by hand, if you look at what they sell it's not possible/less-expensive to have a factory automate that. The blade itself is the most questionable as to handmade/factory.
Regardless, I don't think this company is lying about 1060/1095 carbon steel claims, they have a ton of individual parts of sale even the individual blades themselves.
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I don't know about you, but the horrible Engrish translations make me think it's more legit.
They claim it's hand-forged clay-tempered 1095 steel blades, and the blades they sell don't look exactly the same either (different patterns/imperfections on every I could find).
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Found these on Google streets from Longquan.
This probably what it's like basically.
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>>503808>this Chinese sword making company>1095 carbon steel is 1095 carbon steel.Oh baby
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>>503888>China>Developing nationThey're more advanced than America just with less freedom and rights.
>>503906They no longer have the West's interest in keeping our manufacturing over there on at least a public societal level. With more nations/entities invested in the U.S dollar prior to the inflation the Yen & Yuan were not stable enough to invest in thus further isolating economics despite new York (((bankers))) tying knots with Chinese commie party officials.
Both Chinese manufacturing & Ecconmic toes have dwindled.
Fewer american investors means CHINA'S own interests have shifted as they buy out and bribe south East Asian countries to the North West of Vietnam & Singapore.
A new global cold war emerges as China has thousands of spies in the U.S.
The liberals will sell out along with feew but big manufacturers.
Taiwan & Hong Kong are now at threat as Japan ramps up their armed forces as well side by side with Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia.
>>503929>They no longer have the West's interest in keeping our manufacturing over there on at least a public societal levelonly america. huawei market share in the EU for example barely budged despite the US pressuring the EU to sanction them (they didn't).
the rest of your post moreso showcases the scummy hypocrisy of america than anything wrong with china.
>>503943Here's a pretty good list to look at in case you're acting in good faith: quote:
>“Last month, we signed a groundbreaking trade agreement with China that will defeat so many of our opponents. The money that's pouring in, people don't even believe it. And by the way, the virus, they're working hard. Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. I hope that's true. But we're doing great in our country. China, I spoke with President Xi, and they're working very, very hard."You can clearly see in retrospect that he was buttering up China and deferring to them on the virus so they wouldn't pull out of the fragile trade deal they had negotiated earlier in the year.
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what sword did you end up getting?