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No. 503956

keep minority spirit


Untitled? How about
"Jitenshaninoru Juxtapose"


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Anyone else get mad thinking about billionaires?

I need literally 0.001% of their wealth to have financial success for life.

Has anyone thought of a way to steal money from millionaires and billionaires?


Just be happy you got to witness late stage capitalism


Wishful thinking.

The capitalist system could continue for 100s of years in it's current form.


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join your local leftist groups, be gay and do crime.


Try working for one.


How long until the National Guard is deployed for these riots?


the top cop da could have prevented the riots by immediately arresting the 4 murderers.


I think you forget how conservative the Midwest is still.


i literally used to live in minneapolis, its segregated as fuck and the police are racist power tripping bastards especially near longfellow and cedar riverside. minneapolis is not at all conservative unless you're looking exclusively at the million dollar homes in linden hills and kenwood


Excuse me, please use the minority-approved term "impassioned mourning".


So basically inner city? You might as well join the club with cities like NYC, LA and Chicago. Inner city areas are basically known for crime so of course arrest records are higher.



I mean 4 pigs suffocating a person in the middle of the road. I mean traffic stops that disproportionately target minorities https://www.startribune.com/disproportionate-traffic-stops-hit-minority-minnesotans-hard-panelists-stress/504782802/. I can't find it but there was the exact same story but with marijuana charges and excessive use of force in 2017 or 2018.

If you don't understand why people are angry about disparities imagine that 51% of crimes happen in one neighborhood, and yet 99% of the time somebody is murdered by a cop it happens in that neighborhood. Or beaten by a cop. Or stopped and questioned while walking at night. The reality of disparities in enforcement are less extreme but still statistically significant.


>Or stopped and questioned while walking at night.

It's called a canvas and it is targeted at people who might have been a part of or might have witnessed a crime but won't come forth to report it. If anything it is the reverse in minority neighborhoods and it is white people who are questioned for why they are in that particular place to begin with.


But why do 99% of the arrests happen in our hypothetical neighborhood that has only 51% of crimes? Shouldn't it be closer to 51% of arrests?

Nice anecdote that doesn't reflect the sentencing, arrest, and stop statistics in Minneapolis. The real racism of the MPD is REVERSE racism!


Are you actually in a leftist group? What’s it like? I sometimes think of joining my local DSA chapter but I have severe social anxiety.


>But why do 99% of the arrests happen in our hypothetical neighborhood that has only 51% of crimes?

Well this is easy, it just isn't true.


Why didn't you work harder?


>I sometimes think of joining my local DSA chapter but I have severe social anxiety.


Here's an easy way to not get killed by a cop. Don't resist arrest.


It's not possible for me to become financially successful through a legitimate pathway of work and I have no money to pay for college.

I need to make enough money to convince a woman get impregnated and have children, or there's no point at all. I am fine with being homeless myself.

Any job I can get will not pay enough to break the threshold of convincing a woman I have enough money to impregnate her and take care of the children, which is the only reason I have in this world to work, thus I remain NEET.


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its hit or miss depending on the chapter. some suck, some are good. almost all are very supportive and welcoming but I know that social anxiety is almost never rational about things like that. direct action groups like food not bombs are cooler though


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I am only okay with the anti-capitalism aspects of leftist groups.

Virtually everything else about them I hate, mainly the SJW/feminist stuff.


I don't get why leftists feel the need to justify riots and excuse bad behavior. Is it just because the rioters are on 'their' side so they feel like if they ceded that ground it would mean they were 'losing'? Literally everybody agreed that Floyd's murder was not justified, even fucking Trump.


It's not justified but right wingers would have you believe is it's an isolated case and definitely not a symptom of the broader problem of institutional racism in this country. Any minority is at the constant mercy of white people who rape, torture and kill, and the rest of the white people who vote for a reactionary party because they feel personally attacked and cry "reverse racism" when minorities point out that this is a problem.


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the only left that matters is the economic left

everything else is effectively conservative including PREDICTABLE sjw shite, fem'nizm, lgbtqp etc.


So you're basically just trying to be contrary to conservatives or neoliberals.


Yes hello, this is the judicial system speaking. No one has been convicted, so no one has been murdered. Please remember that our country is one of the freest in the world in large part because of due process. Thank you for your understanding.


if you burn the city to the ground every time the police murder someone maybe the pigs will stop murdering people.

i still think its bad, but if they're only destroying private(not personal) property then who cares


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>i still think its bad, but if they're only destroying private(not personal) property then who cares

1) Personal property is private property

2) Even if they're destroying large commercial businesses like a McDonalds, some of these are owned by franchise owners which are regular people not necessarily with much money

3) They were destroying small businesses and even burned down a low-income housing unit

Not that I'm complaining about chaos and backlash to capitalism that doesn't effect me.


In other news, radicals are low IQ.


You realize that a lot of these businesses that they're razing to the ground are owned by immigrants and bought as a result of years of hard work? They aren't destroying bourgeois billionaires mansions and yachts, they're destroying the property of people you claim to give a fuck about.


"Small businesses" exploit workers just as well as any billionaire. You can only give this excuse when it's exclusively family run and owned.


Classic commie who tries to implicitly multiply his sentences.


If your business needs more workers than you have children you are literally Hitler.


President Trump now wants to destroy Twitter because they are fact checking him and now Mark Zuckerberg is defending him and people are just now realizing that Myspace was always an evil company.


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This article literally says that police are more active in areas with more crime and blacks happen to be there. This article also says that these people are being pulled over for actual infractions, and at least half of them are only receiving warnings.


Why can't store owners these days just go up on the roof with uzis and rifles like the Korean community in Los Angeles did during the Rodney King riot?


1) the term private property typically refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods and services

2) Most McDonald’s owner/operators have entered the corporation by purchasing an existing restaurant. To open a McDonald’s franchise, however, requires a total investment of $1-$2.2 million, with liquid capital available of $750,000. The franchise fee is $45,000.

3) insurance can replace property. human cannot be replaced. the "low income housing unit" wasn't purely low income housing. The plans called for 189 apartments, including 38 affordable units. The project also included ground floor retail space.

Rent is affordable to households making less than 60% of Area Median Income (AMI). Maximum rents for 2019-2020 are as follows:
Studio/Efficiency $1,086
1 Bedroom $1,164
2 Bedrooms $1,396
3 Bedrooms $1,613
4 Bedrooms $1,800
5 Bedrooms $1,986

In longfellow the average 1 bedroom was under 1000$ when I lived near there. These types of affordable units are ways for cities to line property developers pockets while also making sure that low income people are still priced out of the neighborhoods they live in slowly.


>1) the term private property typically refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods and services
In your little red book. To everyone else, personal property is a type of private property.


actually personal property isn't even a word anyone but leftists use, because Americans suck the toes of capitalists and call everything private property


You need to understand that the vast majority of people do not subscribe to your cult of communism. When you inject communism into the definition of things, you are the one using non-standard definitions.


but on the back side, it didn't say nothing…


it's okay to not know what words mean. you can just google the definition them next time instead of making assumptions


You're the one who didn't know what "private property" meant and stated the communist fringe definition matter-of-factly to correct someone using the standard definition.

Besides, you implicitly multiply your sentences so you can't criticize anyone.


We live a country where politicians allowed billionaires to be come rich completely unchecked and for mega corporations like Amazon to rise to power. Shake Shack for example got caught getting money attended for small businesses when they are in reality a small-medium sized fast casual chain but they did the right thing and gave the money back.

Jeff Bezos doesn't have to worry about moral values or the need for humanity to better ourselves he makes more an hour than the average middle class family does in a year but that is completely OK according to the government.


huh. i made it abundantly clear i meant the marxist definition of private property by making the distinction "(not personal)" so there would be no ambiguity.
you're the neutron star brain that read "they're only destroying private(not personal) property" and thought "why is this person saying they're only destroying private(not private) property"


1. That wasn't me. I just jumped in half way
>the term private property typically refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods and services


Lets consider context in addition to dictionary definitions. How often does the phrase "private property"'s meaning include things like personal belongs when used in the same sentence as the phrase "personal property". How often do you think that is?


I was curious about it so I googled to see, and I found this
>in Marxist theory, the term private property typically refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods and services.[4][5]
Your post was
>the term private property typically refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods and services
You literally copy-pasted the marxist definition from wikipedia, removed the part that says "in Marxist theory", then posted it

Typical subversive commie.


They just burned down a police station. Good job idiots you just gave the National Guard and police enough justification to use lethal force without hesitation.


Uh oh, better not kill pigs for killing us. They might kill us in retaliation.


the national guard and most the US military have pretty strict rules of engagement. That's why when there tends to be real issues with killing civvie non-combatants, it tends to deal with bombs or cars.


Dude do you really think someone is going to follow the rules of engagement over protecting their own life? If push comes to shove they will not hesitate to light somebody up even if it means throwing away their career.


what? lmoa of course I did, the conflict between personal and private property literally is only ever discussed in marxist theory

nooo stop guys dont throw the tea in the ocean thats mean noooo ):


This is the most hardcore riots I've ever seen in my life.

This is definitely worse than Ferguson riots.

I've never seen this many buildings burned down and stores looted to this extent.


Of course you just copy-pasted a communist definition and removed the proviso specifying that it's communist, thus making it a false statement?

Maybe that's normal to you, but it isn't to people who aren't constantly trying to brainwash people into their fringe ideology. Any normal person could stumble upon that and say "oh, that's what a private property means", and that's what you want them to think. If you were honest you would have copy-pasted the entire thing. You want to exist in that vague area where you don't always explicitly state that you're a communist reciting communist dogma, but can pretend you thought that was taken as read whenever you're called out on it.

The fact that you copy-pasted a sentence directly from an article and presented it as if it was your own original phrasing aside…


meh, they said the same sort of thing about corona and that's already over. boring.


Back in April I predicted that people wouldn't care about Corona in 3-5 months.

Everyone thought I was PREDICTABLE.



Trump just tweeted basically saying he is authorizing lethal force and took a chance to call them thugs.


I hate to break it to you but if you loot stores and burn down police stations you're a thug


The word thug is racist plain and simple. White privilege has become so severe it has made people unaware of the fact.


White people can be thugs. They just have to loot and burn down things. Antifa are thugs


noooo you cant throw king george's tea in the harbor thats not allowed noooo >:(


Uh small businesses aren't owned by a king who is taxing you without representation


I haven't been this proud of him in a while.


The profit that business make and don't share with the worker is essentially a massive tax that comes with no representation.

"Small business" is often just a right wing weasel word that's intended to make you think of a mom and dad operating a small shop, when actually the vast majority of small businesses have non-stockholer employees and are therefore exploiters and thieves.

And by the way, the majority of police action is designed to help these capital interests. If part of the reason you make so much money is you exploit workers and have the police protect your private property by murdering workers, then you are complicit and you do not deserve your slaveshop.


It's hilarious to see republicans complain about what they call leftism or communism. Outside the US, basically nobody considers the democratic party to be left wing. Nothing in "america"(US) can be remotely called socialist, not even bernie sanders/aoc/that politician with hijab, who (all of them) by the way keep and intended to keep their imperialistic agenda on latin america (see their tweets on bolivia after coup d'etat, see sander's supporting clinton and biden, etc).


Only fucking third degree murder? Yet I bet there is a young African American man somewhere getting five years in prison for having a gram of weed on him.


This event has really hurt my brain. I hope people are willing to take an honest look at their actions and attitude in light of the autopsy.


What does this mean? Can you explain to me the different kinds of charges for killing someone?


I'm not sure what you mean by this post, but all there is to say is this: even if he had underlying health conditions he was surviving with them just fine up until someone kneeled on his neck for 11 minutes


I'm not sure what you're implying either. If the autopsy didn't clear the cop's name, why is it national news that the family is arranging a reexamination?


Any action they take will be national news at this point. I think they made a poor choice of private autopsy but thats a different matter.

The *preliminary* autopsy states "The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions, and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death". It clearly states that being restrained by the police was contributed to his death, or in other words is a cause of his death. Enough for manslaughter or murder 3rd in minnesota.


What lead to him being restrained?


He jaywalked.


Does it matter? Whatever petty crime they claim he was guilty of the underlying reason is that he dared to existed in the state of being black in Trump's America, near a cop who was in a bad or sadistic mood (like nearly every day).


My brain hurts.


People are seriously looting Starbucks to get milk for teargas at this point.


I can't believe Trump has pushed people to this point. He has to go. I don't think this can wait until November.


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This proves it, henri is Donald trump. And this is his vengeance upon the trannies.


Can't fathom why this guy chooses to roleplay on ota out of all places


Is communist anon happy to see the protestors taking on the rich shopping district of Beverley Hills?


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I don't know if you mean me, but yes I am happy when government/corporate property gets destroyed in these riots.

Everyone who isn't wealthy is sick of this capitalist system with no social mobility and extreme wealth inequality.

George Floyd is only a trigger of the riots, the real motive is economic stress.


lmoa they burned down a fucking charity and I bet the commies are going to say 'its not their fault poverty made them do it'

the charities had it coming bros


What is going to be real fucked up is I bet LA city officials are hoping the homeless get caught in the crossfire so it saves them the trouble of having to board and feed them during the pandemic.


sad that it burned down. maybe minneapolis should have dealt with the racist cops 30 years ago so this didn't happen


Please, the homeless in LA have seen more shit in a day than the protesters have seen in their lives. They know when to get the fuck out of the way.


Maybe buddies shouldn't have sold their brothers to us as slaves 200 years ago so it wouldn't have happened


no social mobility

You're kidding, right?
Turn off the bot mode and educate yourself before having opinions, teen.

We have already noted one kind of economic and social mobility, the movement of people out of the lowest income brackets in the course of their own working lifetime. A major study at the University of Michigan has followed the same individuals— tens of thousands of them— over a period of decades. Among individuals who are actively in the labor force, only 5 percent of those who were in the bottom 20 percent in income in 1975 were still there in 1991, compared to 29 percent of those in the bottom quintile in 1975 who had risen to the top quintile by 1991. 4 8 More than half of those in the bottom quintile in 1975 had been in the top quintile at some point during these years. 49 However, as we have also seen, not everyone is working, especially in the lowest income brackets. The rises of those who are working indicates what opportunities there are. How many people take advantage of those opportunities is another question.



Give up your guns, the police will protect you.


>only 5 percent of those who were in the bottom 20 percent in income in 1975 were still there in 1991

Bullshit/old statistics.

Google "social mobility america" and you get nothing but statistics and articles saying otherwise.

I hope homeless people start killing rich people.


Rich people are disproportionately friendish


Ronald Reagan worked his ass off in the 80's to defeat the commies and protect the American dream and this is how you want to repay him by voting for AOC and Bernie Sanders? You might as well be a cooking up a big bowl of borscht.


>Bullshit/old statistics.
You're free to post some new ones.
>Google "social mobility america" and you get nothing but statistics and articles saying otherwise.
Uh, no?

In any case, US became far less capitalistic over the last 20 years. If you don't like our social mobility now you should crave for more capitalism. In fact, the most capitalist countries are also the ones with more social mobility.
Read a book, uneducated teen.


>In any case, US became far less capitalistic over the last 20 years. If you don't like our social mobility now you should crave for more capitalism. In fact, the most capitalist countries are also the ones with more social mobility.
Read a book, uneducated teen.

More capitalism would mean flooding the countries with immigrants until wages go even lower, and cost of living gets higher.

There is no way for someone too poor to go to higher education, and born into family with no money, can ever be anything but low-paid wage slave.


You should try working instead of reading books.


Capitalists created China


If Marvel and Disney movies didn't exist all of their movie theaters would collapse. Mulan going straight to digital is going to bankrupt them.


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But I do work, I'm a scholar. I produce knowledge and I use evidence, not my perception to make statements. That's how I formed my opinion and refuted yours. Your experience is yours only and don't prove anything. Meanwhile science uses thousands of subjects to find a pattern.


I've done my best to consider everything as objectively as possible and I am now racist.


This is what it means to be a scholar


Holy god Texas needs to be wiped away. This isn't Call of Duty stop walking around in militia shit pretending you are trained.


Something scary is happening outside and I can smell fire.


This is pretty much what happens to most politicians and how they come to further conclusions like needing an ID to vote or needing to maintain your credit instead of going to the ER for everything is racist.


Are none of you ashamed? The entire country is burning down and I hope that next anime figurine package or whatever gets looted from a Fedex or UPS truck.


Fug, so you can't even be neutral about this shit anymore. Apparently if you aren't talking about George Floyd on social media right now then you are scum.


Uh a few third-world cities aren't the country


Hope these nogs don't make my onaholes get even more delayed


Well… if you think what happened to him wasn't horrible, then you probably are scum. If by neutral you mean just not interested in talking about it, then I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't think silence is tacit approval of the status quo, it's just a fact that most people are going to be more concerned with their daily life than larger social issues.


These riots aren't just about George Floyd.

At this point, these riots are largely due to millions of unemployed people stressed by the corona virus shutdown, and having strong anti-capitalist feelings.

They might not call it anti-capitalist, but they're very upset with the "system".


my dad says the protesters are organized by white supremacists and he refers to the rioters as Trumpites and yesterday he literally said ``honor and duty'' yesterday when he was on the phone with my sister to try to make her feel better since her neighborhood was burning down I wanted to interject and tell her to stay inside don't get involved eventually our brave boys in blue will remind them that their place is under the white man's boot then swing my hand up in a 45 degree angle and shout blue lives matter


> the protesters are organized by white supremacists
Among one of the most retarded conspiracies I've heard from this.

Slightly less retarded than "It's cops themselves who started the fires".


It should be taught in classrooms about how white privilege led to this and that white people have been passively racist their whole lives but just never knew it. They opened a Whole Foods near a black neighborhood housing project here a year or two ago and it might as well have been a big middle finger to people who can barely get by on food stamps supporting themselves and their families.


let's be real here. While I don't agree with this specific narrative it's correct to say it's organizations and secret clubs that start shit, not groups of friends or affected individuals


> it might as well have been a big middle finger to people who can barely get by on food stamps supporting themselves and their families.
There's more poor white people than there is poor black people in America.

Even if blacks have a higher rate of poverty, you're ignoring a larger group of poor white people.

Poor white people are even less privileged than blacks as there is no racial hiring and enrollment quotas, or scholarships, in their favor.

The only privilege problem in America is class privilege, those born to wealthy parents will almost certainly do well, and those not will almost certainly do bad.


Being a socialist without being intersectional is almost as silly as those who erase the class component of intersectionality.


Let's be really real here, if this had happened when I was 20 I would be out on the streets burning shit down and I wasn't part of any boogeyman organization. I was just a normal Obama voter.


No you wouldn't though, you'd be walking along with the crowd like a bystander at most.


You're right, I guess it's all the illuminati.


It's antifa and strong anti-capitalist extremists actually starting most of the fires.


I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that people have goals they're willing to commit to and I don't think it's unreasonable that a group of people have goals that they're willing to commit to.




1) Bunch of skinny white kids wearing black seen in videos at the burning buildings still throwing stuff

2) Anarchy symbols and "fuck capitalism" spraypainted on burnt down buildings

3) Similar to how there's no black mass shooters (non-gang related), Antifa (and similarly minded) is the only group ideologically extremist enough to bring equipment (this wasn't someone throwing matches) to start large scale fires of banks, and corporate buildings, made of stone/metal.


Oh, you're a racist.


Yes, antifa destroy symbols of capitalism sometimes. e.g. Starbucks stores. Same thing happens in Fight Club and given your politics that's probably your favorite non-anime movie.

Do you really think they're in the wrong? Do you really care that Starbucks has to fork out 0.001% of their profit to rebuild a vandalized store or that some local asshole cops lose their base for a few weeks?


It's China idiots


I can understand burning down large corporate buildings, but why the fuck are they destroying small businesses? Yesterday my coworker saw them carrying out a safe from a small restaurant we often go to. It was my favorite place to have lunch and now it's ruined. What did that restaurant owner do to deserve this?


My friend lives just outside of Osaka in Japan and there are demonstrations with people shouting "fuck the police" and "America is evil". The whole world sees and hates us including your kawaii anime fantasy land.


>Do you really care that Starbucks has to fork out 0.001% of their profit to rebuild a vandalized store or that some local asshole cops lose their base for a few weeks?
Are you false flagging, a teen or just unaware that every Starbucks shop has a different owner and that he's not that wealthy? Now he'll either go bankrupt or fire a few of his workers. Yeah, smart.


That's not surprising, even Americans hate America


it's probably just Americans living there.


>More capitalism would mean flooding the countries with immigrants until wages go even lower, and cost of living gets higher.
I am an incomparable homo, did you actually few for the "le wages are lower now meme"? That's a blantant lie, American families are now richer than ever. Source:
Again, educate yourself and use data, not perceptions, teen.
>There is no way for someone too poor to go to higher education
Yeah, but now there are less poor people and more people going to college. Source:
>b-but I'm the exception!
Sorry, the world ain't perfect, but that's better than supporting public Higher Education since that's just poor paying for the less poor to study. And I say that as someone from a country that spends a load on public higher education and made my entire graduation on a "free" college. Source:


>Sorry, the world ain't perfect, but that's better than supporting public Higher Education since that's just poor paying for the less poor to study.

College should cost $0 and be run by the state

Rich kids should not be able to pay money to get into college

Entry should be entirely based on IQ tests and other merit-based tests.

I love these riots, because I hate the American capitalist system.

Sorry to the small business owners who got screwed over.


>College should cost $0
Someone will always pay. Wanna know who? The poor. Heckman curve, the last link I posted.
>and be run by the state
Kek, so colleges will be garbage just like public schools? State can't pave roads, let alone give education. If anything, your case porives it.
>Rich kids should not be able to pay money to get into college
Why not? Your argument could be refined if you mentioned John Rawls "Veil of Ignorance", but I think you're too ignorant to know who one of the greatest political philosophers of the XXth century was, and even if you knew who he was, his argument was also debunked decades ago. Source:
>Entry should be entirely based on IQ tests and other merit-based tests.
Actually that would mean even more 'rich kids" on college since they are smarter. Mankiw has a decent explanation on that.

And last but not least, educate yourself, teen.


>Actually that would mean even more 'rich kids" on college since they are smarter. Mankiw has a decent explanation on that.

Because statistically a large portion of the rich are white or Asian.

Biological tendency for higher IQ than other races.

I don't care, I don't want dumbass privileged rich kids to get into college because their parent's paid for it, while there is literal 140 IQ geniuses who can't get into college because they're poor.


IQ and genes actually have a very strong correlation.

And so are IQ and income. Source:
So, don't worry. Rich kids will be in college anyway as they tend to be smarter because of their genes, and they'll probably earn more anyway.

Blame yourself and your parents for being unsmart.


isn't that what loans and scholarships are for?
Any public university is incredibly affordable with those and a summer job alone.




This is exactly what I said, there's a correlation between IQ and wealth because whites and Asians make up large portion of the wealthy.

I don't care, tired of stupid kids born to well-off parents getting into college because their parents pay for it.

I want it to be entirely IQ/merit based, no amount of money should allow you entrance to college.

Whatever racial or gender makeup colleges result in doesn't matter.


Want to show you are still a human being? It's pride month starting tomorrow and I suggest donating evenly between a LGBT charity of your choice and towards helping bail POC out of jail.


isn't bail kind of a waste when most these new arrests are heavily recorded?
Like half the people out there seem to just go out to the protest/riot and then record til their phone dies.
They'll end up doing that same time after the trial.
Also, lgbt charities might as well just be t charities at this point as they've been running through the progressive stack faster than ever since gay marriage got legalized, and why donate to a cult that has just about every legal right in the first country that they complain about not having anyways?
The only real change to come would be to reject cops from your communities and replace them with your own brand of vigilante-ism and I'm not really in the place to lead that where I live, let alone where it's needed.


Yeah though I can assure you that most these people who lost their businesses or homes in this will never respect a black person face-to-face ever again.
All 3 chinatowns near me already had enough trouble with them.


>and towards helping bail POC out of jail.
Biden staffers are new sincerely doing exactly this.



Most people don't judge people by their skin color, so no.


75% of college students already do go to public colleges ran by the state. And generally, a lot of the most respected research ones are public.
A lot of privates are kind of just diploma mills for incredibly rich kids from around the world anyways though.
If you can afford a 250k 4 year degree you could probably afford the 100k to get a ghost student or impersonator.


Between impeachment, corona, injecting bleach, prematurely ending lockdowns, slandering a private citizen (Joe Scarborough) and these riots, Trump has absolutely zero chance of being reelected unless Biden dies or appoints Hillary as his VP.


Ghost student? Is it actually a thing to pay someone to do an entire 4 year degree for you?


it's incredibly common in online bachelor's/masters courses, for real life, it's rare, but it occurs a decent amount based on job postings I've seen.


I actually did get paid in college twice myself to show up to exams for someone else in really large lectures, as you go up in classes and they get smaller, profs recognize students so it's harder to pull off without just straight replacing yourself the whole term. And obviously, harder to pull off the longer the semester goes on in any case.


Why are you an enabler?


I was approached, was in debt because lower-middle class college student, and all I had to do was answer some easy questions for a basic science class. Also jaded, as a very observant college student, I witnessed so much cheating in my first 2 year of college it was kind of PREDICTABLE so I just stopped caring and kind of accepted it as the norm for a lot of people.


Whatever happened to the good old American mentality of just joining the Army if you can't afford or get into the college you wanted after high school?


with loans and/or summer jobs+part time work, you don't even have to is kind of the thing, but the GI bill is still a thing and it's really good.
There are lots of small things that build up as issues for getting in the military, I wanted to do the navy/rotc route through college and they gave me a really sick offer, but then found out I have really bad asthma and admittedly, hauling a nebulizer around isn't good for military shit.


So they rejected you for genetic reasons not under your control. That's racist.


You still didn't understand, did you? Ok, that kinda proves my point.
If you're poor chances are that your IQ is already low. You wouldn't be able to go to college, and most of rich kids would still go. The output is the same as now.




Except there's a very large number of highly intelligent people who are poor/homeless

And there's a very large number of dumb/mediocre people who only get into college because their parents pay for it.


>Except there's a very large number of highly intelligent people who are poor/homeless
There's a very large number of literally any kind of person in a nation of 328 million people.

What matters is the percentage. What percent of homeless people are
>not lazy
>high IQ
>not willingly homeless
>not temporarily homeless
Probably a vanishingly small one.


Not really, no.
Just a few.


>not willingly homeless
>not temporarily homeless
No one is willingly homeless because if they won the lotto they wouldn't be homeless.

More like, "I'd rather be homeless than wageslave", which is common among homeless.

And it's exactly that, these high IQ "homeless by choice" people are really just choosing this over a never-ending wageslave menial labor that's far below their actual capabilities if they were allowed to go to college and accepted by society.


I willingly don't stuff my face with food because I don't want to feel sick and be fat. By your ridiculous reasoning, I actually don't will this because if a drug was invented that could change this, I'd eat more. Every choice we make is in the context of its tradeoffs. Likewise I don't willingly refrain from things that could be exciting but are dangerous, because if a magic doctor existed who could cure all injury and prevent all pain I'd choose differently.

Also, some people will literally leave when given free accommodation because they want to be homeless. Generally because it comes with simple rules like don't do drugs.

For the highly intelligent, not PREDICTABLE, not lazy, hard working people who say "well I could not be homeless but meh", then I say that's a contradiction and one of those things must be false, or they're extremely unlucky to the point of being a statistical non-factor.


It's only five more months but voting Trump out and watching him serve life in prison is going to make election day all the more sweet. Before you reply: Yes, I can promise you the Biden administration is going to prosecute him for all that he has done.


We did it! Every city in America will soon have to dismantle their police department.


Americans were given the right to bear arms so that communities could organize themselves and not the government. This move is perfectly legitimate


Are you replying to yourself? Police in the US predate the constitution.


British occupation also predated the Constitution.

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