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>>504352it's not a lie…
she wore the same type of medium long skirt to school everyday with a V shaped cut which probably should be worn to the side but she wore it in a way where its in front which bothered(?) me.
Funny thing years later I was waiting for the library to open and she was standing behind me with her father. I recognized her face because I remembered her name and looked up her instagram one day. She probably recognized me too but I pretended not to notice and walked away as soon as the library opened.
Actually I remember the reason she stopped. I wrote her a perverted message on myspace with a dummy account pretending to be in another period class but one day I had free time to get on the computer and i played quake live on the school pc and all the boys gathered around to watch me. Then she came up behind me and said "so you were the one w ho sent me that nasty message". I guess because i was quiet nobody expected me to "hack" a school computer to play quake or halo.
anyway the story is real…i have more childhood stories but i wanna make them into comics one day
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>One(1) chance at life and missed the ONLY opportunity to EVER get a gf when they were teen and so horny their standards were low enough to consider a non Chad
help me otamin
>>504372We took turns sitting on each other's faces, front and back, to see who could last longer.
We didn't even know what we were doing.
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On the note of similar embarrassing stories, Lillian used to grab my butt during band period.
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>>504563What is this?
It's like a really hot 2nd person erp text adventure that's even better than /what/
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>>504564Probably degrees of lewdity
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>>504779nice 20KB artifact infested social media reposted garbage pic moron. probably don't notice the abysmal quality on your phone though right?
>>504924I remember the feeling
Really wish I could play it for the first time again.