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File: 1591112782194.jpg (526.72 KB, 1280x1120, untitled.jpg)

No. 504403

keep minority spirit


File: 1591138167512.png (1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-06-02-185154_1920x108….png)

Is this the desktop thread?

Post your desktops ota!


wallpaper thanks to mugenjohncell btw


<<< /g/ is that way


I tried it but it didn't work like it gave an error and it's not like the 500 srver error you know I sent a help ticket request about my worksheet not working and the tech guy was like ``oh yeah that's a really common error just wait or something idk but then later I took a screenshot for hum of how we built the worksheet using Powerquery and the last time he ``fixed the workflow system for us he broke the Powerquery system we used and he was like ``oh you used Powerquery for this I didn't know that I gotta install Powerquery first'' um excuse me why didn't he have it there already I assumed he would know more about it than I did but like yeah


is that screenfetch? you know that's deprecated, right? the cool kids are using neofetch


I basically never see my background anymore because I have Chrome in left side of the screen and video on the right side of the screen
so artwork backgrounds are reserved for my phone really. I had a Youmu image there forever where she has 2 swords like she's drawing them but I recently switched to one of Catra looking pensive while an orbital bombardment happens in the background

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