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>>504442so why is it all the capitalist corporations are tweeting in support of it?
the closest America came to change was occupy wall street but that was Shut Down.
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>>504444>>504445Wow Maki made a really good post!
>>504450The rich are not greedy psychopaths who are obsessed with power.
Delete this otamin.
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>>504454due to lacking much culture clash in japan, there really isn't too much of what they'd call racism.
There's plenty of blatant nationalism and portraying japan as the victim though in anime, which is essentially the same thing, stuff like scryed, geass, guilty crown, etc.
I guess durarara and some other shows with illegal immigrants have it too. Do any anime even show the nigerians in roppongi? That's probably the biggest race problem in japan. Most Japs don't touch that with a pole in because they really do think foreigners commit just about all non-organized crime. There's a bit of weird stereotype stuff in anime from 15-30 years ago, but a lot of that is targeted at indians/buddhism or americans acting hilariously conceited for comedy.
I guess you could find some shows with white protagonists and emphasize how good it shows them like banana fish, dog days, or loli in cheeseland.
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>>504454kuku is gonna save anime, you racists have lost
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>>504460Some Chinese nationalist on twitter told me that it was the Hong Kong terrorist rioters like her that came to America to spread their CIA-backed brand of terror.
On a serious note though, she's going to lead to a lot of drama, Love Live is already bordering on as embarrassing as Rick and Morty to be a fan of in the east due to a lot of incidents. There's no way this won't stir up shit with some section of nationalists somewhere with whichever way she's handled.
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>>504462Is there a phonetically different pronunciation?
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Say it, Henri.
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>>504482Trans lives matter?
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>anime fans
>black anime fans
>crunchy roll
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>>5045011. You don't make any statement: nobody notices
2. You make a statement supporting rioting: everyone but the socalists and low info useful idiot democrats hate you
3. You make a statement denouncing rioting: the low info democrats and socialists propagandize against you until you lose all your profits
>>504639Corona was more media forced because apparently it stops mattering the moment there's a more convenient thing to hit Trump over the head with. Everyone who criticized lockdown protestors for spreading it is now cheering for the rioters.
It's a shame but they're clearly succeeding so Kamala Harris is now guaranteed the presidency.
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So a tldr of this is basically
>black person commits crime
>police go overboard
>people overreact as usual
>black people use it as an excuse to commit more crime
Yeah sounds like America alright.
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>>504826I am an incomparable homo butthurt retard
>>504840it really really is mostly blacks, this is sadly how people become racist in the first place.
even in areas with fairly low black populations like north california (besides oakland) we have blacks coming out of what feels like nowhere to do this shit.
The funniest thing I've seen was 10 black people showed up to a protest in san jose, and got chased out of a construction site trying to steal shit by middle aged hispanic workers.
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>>505040Are you saying SHABness and Bkackness are mutually exclusive?
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she looks black to me
>>505151Wow. Just wow. Your cool memeword and the attempt to shame me really made me think. And you are instantly right just because you did this. Thank you kind sir, I will give you some Gaia karma now.
Loooool jk shove it, you pile of poop