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No. 504507

remember on this day that all cats are beautiful~


I don't want something shitting in my house in a litter box. Dogs are better because they obedient and loyal.


both cats and dogs are nice. my friends cat is super cute and was really nice after she got to know me!


>Dogs are [ . . . ] obedient
Said every braindead bleeding cunt that can't keep her rabid mutt in her yard. No, you don't know how to train a dog either


some dogs are obedient and then theres the dogs surrounding me on every side that bark for an hour straight whenever they're let out, because they're toy dogs and its "cute"


Cats are far worse, they don't even attempt it


I accidentally left a screwdriver in my pocket after I left my parents house so I took a picture of it next to my cat and my dad said they already had another one like ti so it was ok


Free screwdriver, nice


Is this an Okayu (Hololive) reference?


File: 1593904610441.jpg (2.52 MB, 2150x3035, __original_drawn_by_luna_m….jpg)

From a study published in Biological Conservation by scientists at Nanjing University. The article, titled "Where there are girls, there are cats," was published in February, then retracted without explanation.

>The growing population of outdoor, free-ranging cats poses an increasingly serious threat to biodiversity. In this study, we provide robust estimates of free-ranging cat density at thirty universities in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China. We found that the population density of free-ranging cats is linearly related to the proportion of female students at a university. An online questionnaire confirmed that human females were more concerned about the living conditions of free-ranging cats than were human males in China. A socialization test on twenty-seven free-ranging cats suggests that cats may react more sociably to human females, an important factor to consider in cat population management.


replacing boids with cats would be an overall improvement


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