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No. 504668

keep minority spirit


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Shinji I've been drinking, you know what I want, come here and get on your knees


Katsuragi and I have so much in common:
- No idea how to be a girl, let alone a functioning adult woman.
- Still know how to make boys fall in love with me despite this–it's actually too easy.
- Never give up, as long as there's a chance!
- Sloppy lifestyle, clumsy at love, and addictive personality.
- No attraction to Shinj and Asuka as characters, even tho they're both irresistably kawaii in a "I wish there was anything I could even do" kind of way.
- Both just making it up as we go along–with a healthy understanding of physical sciences and statistical forecasting for when improvisation fails.
- Have a tendency to fall in love with men who are bad for us, in a way that makes such good memories.. .
- Know that everything will be alright anyways, because we have each other, and SCREW Kaji, I don't need him in my life anyways, I don't care if he runs away again and it's not like he reminds me of the father I wish I had, or anything, he just makes me SO flustered sometimes, why isn't he ever there when I *need* him, MMF!
- And of course most importantly of all I know that Asuka can do it, no matter what. Because *I* believe in her.

- Asuka were you bullying Shinji the other day? He's not talking to me.


Do you have BPD as well?


Uh, you know you're replying to what is known as a "kopipe or "copypasta", right? Because you would look quite the Fool otherwise. That said, the original poster obviously did.


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