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No. 505323

>Wake up
>Still living in the worst era


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>implying democracy is actually good and desirable


what the flip!


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>wake up
>run over a cat with my car 🐈
>feel the thump
>see it speed limp back to the house
I wanna be Nikki Catsouras


By murdering that cat you just did a great justice for the ecosystem. The owner should have kept better care to not let it roam free.


Not him but I live in a rural area and the cats hunt pests and shit. Fuck the ecosystem, they make life for humans better.


I guess
I tried to tell myself that the owners should have known better than to let an outdoor cat roam around at the side of an 88 km/h highway

but also like what if it was just a stray

I tried looking for the cat's body on my way home but I was spending too much time looking at the side of the road and also I remembered that when cats are ready to die they find a hiding spot so I probably wouldn't be able to see it anyways


They also hunt local birds and reptiles, even the ones that might be endangered.

I don't care about the living quality of humans, as far as I'm concerned humans need to be wiped out entirely.


i'd feel really bad if i hit a cat. i saw a dead kitten on the road once and cried.


>On January 30, 2012, the CHP reached a settlement with the Catsouras family, under which the family received around $2.37 million in damages. CHP spokeswoman Fran Clader commented: "No amount of money can compensate for the pain the Catsouras family has suffered. We have reached a resolution with the family to save substantial costs of continued litigation and a jury trial. It is our hope that with this legal issue resolved, the Catsouras family can receive some closure."[9]

so some rich baby goes on a coked up joyride in daddys porsche and dies and so the family gets to add more millions to their dragons hoard. disgusting.


I used to help out at an animal rescue place and I was walking one of the dogs and I saw a cat lying by the road and I thought it was just chillin but it limped away when I came up so I called the lady who ran the place and we had like 5 or 6 people surround it so we could catch it without it running away. It eventually healed fine.


We live in a society of foid worship


the officers illegally leaked the images so really even though they obviously don't need more money it's not exactly heinous of the family to do that


Wouldn't have gone far in court if it was some man that died


And birds and reptiles kill actual pests instead of just mice. Only women and farmers hate mice.


It's the least shitty system. In any case I posted six variables showing the world is getting better.
In any case yes, democracy makes the world better. Source:


>Extreme poverty
A hunter-gatherer tribe or small village would be considered "extreme poverty" but they might have been happier than most people today in modern capitalist countries.


Doesn't mean happiness or good things.


Many of them harmful and unnecessary now. Human rights violation when they're forced upon people. A small percentage of children have bad reactions and end up permanently retarded.

>Basic Education

Ok whatever, doesn't mean people are happy though.


I don't give a shit if it's inhumane. Tricking rats into getting stuck in glue traps works too well.


Ah yes, I love living in a free country and being free to leave my country and hating the country I live in for being free but staying here instead of moving to superior Mother Russia.


It's literally not free to leave my country (US)

It costs money which many people have none.


ook ook democracy make GDP go up ook ook big number big happy


Not free as in beer, zoomzoom.


ook ook grug poor ooooooog wealth bad


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this but unironically


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>my tiny little teen brain was outsmarted
>m-maybe if I act like an ape he'll stop!


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>A hunter-gatherer tribe or small village would be considered "extreme poverty" but they might have been happier than most people today in modern capitalist countries.
No. Anthropological evidence suggests otherwise.
>Doesn't mean happiness or good things.
Actually it does.
The happiest countries are also the most democratic.
>Many of them harmful and unnecessary now.
Pseudoscience at its best.
If we stop taking vaccines the diseases will come back. Measeles was finished in some countries. They stop taking vaccines. Now it's back. About the harm, that's also wrong.

>Basic Education

>Ok whatever, doesn't mean people are happy though.
It literally does.


>>Many of them harmful and unnecessary now.
>Pseudoscience at its best.


Watch this entire video. Andrew Zimmerman was originally the scientist the government used to say vaccines couldn't cause brain damage/autism.

He later came back and said "Well actually, in a small percentage of children, it can".

They immediately fired him and silenced/cancelled him.


you know what to do with these wojackers 'min-kun


The Oprah Magazine is my favorite scientific journal.


just ignore the news and you'll find this is the best era.


I am going to vote for the Green Party and wave in the new revolution and nobody can stop me.


okay have fun


The revolution in America starts with homeless encampments

Even the Seattle autonomous zone counts

Eventually America will reach such extreme levels of homelessness and poverty that the government is forced into Universal Basic Income and socialism.


UBI isn't socialist.


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>Eventually America will reach such extreme levels of homelessness and poverty
What the heck are you talking about, US is now richer than ever.
>b-but I'm not!
You're not the majority of the population. Some people lose, but that's not the case for the vast majority. I assume you didn't go to college, maybe didn't even finish highscool. The vast majority of those who are poorer now are those without education - a group that is dwindling more and more every year. Even Chris Chan managed to finish college.
>hat the government is forced into Universal Basic Income and socialism.
UBI and socialism are incompatible. In fact, most of the criticis of UBI are on the left (though those on the right also existi). F.A. Hayek supported UBI for 50 years and Milton Friedman was the father of NIT.
>if it's on the Internet it's true I am an incomparable homo
Sorry, teen, but you shouldn't believe in everything you see on Gaia and Myspace. Google have enough material debunking this guy.


>Even Chris Chan finished college
Uh what? Are you saying he has a bachelor's degree? In what?


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Sorry if any of you people reading this didn't know this site, now you'll lose the next two or three ours of your life browsing it just like when you found out about TVTropes.


>career studies certificate
what the heck is that? it's not a bachelor's degree or even associate's degree. You can't call that finishing college. Did you finish college?


thats nice, im glad things are going well for them. i always felt bad about how much the internet bullied chris-chan.


>What the heck are you talking about, US is now richer than ever.

Yes and the wealth inequality is larger than ever too.

The richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent of people combined.

GDP per capita went up? Nice but virtually all new wealth went to the top 10%.

The bottom 90% of America lost, good for you if you were born to wealthy parents and are in the top 10%.




This is because of the lower wealth people having high debts that make their net worth negligible or negative. And comparing that against non-liquid capital like houses and stocks. It's not about physical ownership.

Having a debt that you will ultimately never pay and never have to pay doesn't mean you don't have a good standard of living that's far better than anything in the past. You're not going to starve or die of small pox because you don't have a yacht


The richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent of people combined.

The standard of living among the bottom 50% is often very bad, including not enough food.

You are blind to how most of America lives because you can't see outside your privileged bubble.

I hope you're one of the first they take out into the streets and kill when they start killing "middle class" and up wealthy people.


you're just repeating yourself now
that isn't a refutation.

>The standard of living among the bottom 50% is often very bad, including not enough food

is this in conjunction with the obesity epidemic that's disproportionately affecting poor people?

The statistics posted on happiness and absolute equality tell another story


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>The richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent of people combined.

Kek, did you actually fell for the Oxfam meme? Honestly you don't have data supporting you. Let's take the median income if per capita isn't enough because of muh inequality. Again, higher than ever even it there was a huge drop ten years ago.
>b-but the wages are stagnated
No, they aren't.
>The bottom 90% of America lost, good for you if you were born to wealthy parents and are in the top 10%.
Two mistakes. 1 the top and the bottom change quite often. In fact, most of people tend to be in each of the quartiles during their lifetime.
>b-but I didn't
Again, you're the exception because you're not smart or don't put effort.
2 even the poor are less poorer now than before.

Educate yourself, teen.

My point is that he went to college, even if it was a shitty community college and you understood it quite well.


>is this in conjunction with the obesity epidemic that's disproportionately affecting poor people?

Oddly enough, yes.


>The statistics posted on happiness and absolute equality tell another story

When I google "Happiness in America" (a completely neutral search term), I only get articles and stats that say America is unhappier than ever.


>You are blind to how most of America lives because you can't see outside your privileged bubble.

And you're blind because you don't leave your mom's basement. Not that perception is more important than statistics - something that proves you're wrong.


are you saying people are fine even if they get a nothing degree from a community college? when people say finish college colloquially I think they always mean a 4 year bachelor's degree


>Let's take the median income if per capita isn't enough because of muh inequality.

How does that help you fucking brainlet?

$1, $2, $1,000,000, $100,000,000, $1,000,000,000

The median income is now $1 million dollars in this data.

>Two mistakes. 1 the top and the bottom change quite often. In fact, most of people tend to be in each of the quartiles during their lifetime.

Complete untrue, both of these statements.

>2 even the poor are less poorer now than before.

Yes they make $2 more in average wages not accounting for any inflation. They're so much less poor now.


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FAO says therwise, US is not in the Hunger Map.


I don't need to look at statistics but since you like them so much, here:


>Research by the USDA found that 11.1% of American households were food insecure during at least some of 2018
>A survey took for Brookings in late April 2020 found indications that following the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of US households experiencing food insecurity had approximately doubled. For households with young children, indicators had suggested food security may have reached about 40%, close to four times the prevalence in 2018, or triple what was seen for the previous peak that occurred in 2008, during the financial crisis of 2007–08.

>homelessness is shown to have increased each year since 2014 in most major US cities, with 40 percent increases noted in 2017[3] and in 2019.[4]

And counting homelessness is inaccurate but it's absolutely increased drastically.

With the economic suicide that America has committed due to shutting down for coronavirus, it's started a chain reaction of poverty/struggle that has already led to violent rioting, the creation of an automonous zone

And soon they'll kill bootlicking fucking rich faggots like yourself


You can't use statistics from the china virus era because they are exaggerated or deceptively reported in order to make Trump look bad.


>How does that help you fucking brainlet?

Is this post serious? I know you teens are bad at math, but that's pathetic. First, inequality is not that high, so your numbers don't make sense. Second and most important you said that 90% of the population is now poor. That was proved wrong considering the guy who is in the median (eg. 50% earn more than him) is now richer than ever. IOW in the worst oossible scenario 50% of the US population is now on their richer than ever.
>Complete untrue, both of these statements.
I posted the sources. You're free to post a better one.
>Yes they make $2 more in average wages not accounting for any inflatio
Again, data says otherwise. There are now less poor people than ever (eg. less people earning US$2 a day).


>homelessness is shown to have increased each year since 2014 in most major US cities, with 40 percent increases noted in 2017[3] and in 2019.[4]
That's because the homeless move to major cities. They are practically being begged to come by places like LA and San Francisco.


>arguing with Wikipedia
Kek, I posted sources from Harvard, MIT, NBER, FRED, Researchgate, PIIE and FEE, is this the best you can do?


>Again, data says otherwise. There are now less poor people than ever (eg. less people earning US$2 a day).

North Koreans make $0 USD a day because their currency is internationally worthless, but they're more wealthy than someone earning $5 USD a day in a shithole African country

Currency changes in value and buying power. How much someone earns a day once converted into USD at a standard exchange rate is not a good indicator of poverty.

A group of people could earn more USD on average and be poorer than they were in the past.


See, the problem with teen is that they don't check their own sources. Let's see what that USDA study says:

An estimated 11.1 percent of U.S. households were food insecure at least some time during the year in 2018, meaning they lacked access to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. That is down from 11.8 percent in 2017 and from a peak of 14.9 percent in 2011.

So, yeah, hunger is dropping (ie. things are getting better).


The past 4 months happened

The economic repercussions of this will last for years, long after covid is gone, and potentially bring America into a revolutionary change after we hit record levels of uncontrollable homelessness and poverty,



Everything is cheaper than in 1979 so the same wages buy more degozaru.


TVs, Microwaves, Fridges, and a lot of common household appliances did get cheaper.

This is true.

Cost of housing, college, healthcare, and insurance, has all skyrocketed.


>mistaking exchange rate with monetary policy
Ok, that was the cherry of the cake.
In any case, there are many ways of measuring this. US is now better than in 2005, both overall and in the worldwide rankings.


>The past 4 months happened
So, now you're admitting that things were getting better?

In any case this recession will probably be a V recession, not a U or a L recession.
>Cost of housing, college, healthcare, and insurance, has all skyrocketed.
One things balances the other. And now people are earning more as it was proved (guess you gave up saying otherwise after being humiliated) so in any case they can afford.


I wonder if these privileged 1%ers realize that Trump is going to lose yet.


>And now people are earning more as it was proved (guess you gave up saying otherwise after being humiliated) so in any case they can afford.

People are earning more, only the rich though.

Everyone else, the large majority of the rest of the country, has gotten poorer.


I'm not American and even if I were I wouldn't vote for him. His policies are far from free-market/"neoliberalism". Even Greg Mankiw left the GOP in order to vote for Biden (a shitty candidate, but still more in touch with mainstream economics than Trump).


>Everyone else, the large majority of the rest of the country, has gotten poorer.

You're in denial.
People now earn more, have higher wages, study more, live more and spend more than ever according to every data available.



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>my arguments were shattered
>m-maybe if I use an Ad hominem people won't realized how hard I was beated!


Really because all the data and common sense I look at says Americans have gotten poorer and unhappier.

Statistics on this can be misleading.

Your statistics mostly just show the rich getting richer and then you going "look at how things have improved".


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>Really because all the data and common sense I look at says everyone has gotten poorer and unhappier.
So, you didn't check any? Or maybe you checked some blog. Because, well, all those guys from the Ivy league say otherwise.

>Literally all your statistics are from the rich getting richer.

Yes. Just like everyone else.
>b-but they're getting even richer!
Irrelevant if the poor are also getting rich.
"Yes, he would rather have the poor poorer, provided that the rich were less rich. That is the Liberal policy."
Margareth Thatcher. Good to know you hate the poor.


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>Irrelevant if the poor are also getting rich.
The poor, as in the bottom 50-70% of the country, have gotten poorer.

Look at this graph, if you have enough brain cells to understand it.



Again, read your fucking source.
>Bottom 50% (US$ Trillions) in 1989:Q3
>same group now:
IWO, the value more than doubled in 30 years.


You might have negative net worth with a 70k a year job and 40k in college loan debt. Doesn't make you starving or sick or miserable.


>>same group now:

No, they have -0.2 trillion

Compared to +0.7 trillion in 1989

Except that's not the reality of the situation.


Weird how the URL says it's a damming indictment of capitalism but the article headline is different. Did they edit it?


>Except that's not the reality of the situation.
Prove it. I argue the people with the lowest net worth in fact have college debt or mortgages or both.


>I argue the people with the lowest net worth in fact have mortgages

This is really out of touch with reality. To start with net worth includes assets paid balances so people with low net worth wouldn't have mortgages. Almost 50% of wage earners make less than 30,000$ a year.


> the people with the lowest net worth in fact have college debt \
Some of them yes.

But the reality for many of those people is they got a degree that jobs don't exist for (call them stupid, it's true but irrelevant), and can either work minimum wage jobs to never pay off their debt, be NEET/homeless (in their parent's house), or kill themselves.


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Didn't you check the link that VOX claims as their "source"?
Let me do it for you.


which anime is this


He got owned so hard he'll probably delete his own thread now.


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>Wake up
>Still smoothbrain


If it actually gets deleted then it was clearly a false flag.


Why? OP was trying to prove a point (Americans, on average, are getting poorer), but anon showed his mistakes (in fact most Americans are getting richer). It's bad for his POV to let this thread live, especially considering the elections.


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Uh that was never my point and I never even posted in this thread after I made it…


What was the point? Some hopeless romantic nonsense?


Based otamin bringing on the dabbings


>I-I didn't post any of that bullshit, I swear, please don't believe I'm a complete braindead retard!


Why would it matter to the person you decided is a retard based on 50 or so posts he made whether or not you believe he made the unrelated OP?


>especially considering the elections.
the otavoters are the most powerful electorate in the world…


Why are white women being called Karens? I have never met a girl called Karen in my life.


Did you forget there's ONE HUNDRED MILLION more people in the US today than 30 years ago?


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>Did you forget there's ONE HUNDRED MILLION more people in the US today than 30 years ago?

Actually it's close to 80 million. In any case:

So, yeah, the 50% poorer are now richer than 30 years ago. Now it's the time that you use the inflation card, right? No, because these numbers already account for inflation, so you're still wrong.


who linked the w*j*ckt**n to the O


I'll allow it this thread is one of the few that isn't copy pasted.


The US is under a huge DDOS attack.


update: today a squirrel ran in front of my car when I was driving home on a 50 km/h road and I was able to stop in time for the furry to friend to escape to the other side of the road


Thank you!


Treerats aren't friends. Their only function in the ecosystem is stealing birdseed


My girlfriend and I decided since we are now living together to adopt a shelter dog hopefully towards the end of the month.

People who buy dogs and cats from farms or pet shops should be ashamed.


If buying dogs from stores encourages unethical breeders, taking responsibility for abandoned dogs encourages unethical owners.


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Rising driver hero protecc


is someone gonna post the thing about the snake catchers in India who bred them for the bounty I always see that posted on Quora



Teen meme.


why are chads called chad? To be honest, these terms are racist and sexist and should not be used. You can't group someone into a stereotype of 'Karen' to disregard their opinion


WTF are you on about?
False comparison, the shelter doesn't pass on profits to people that abandon their pets, in fact they usually charge them a "surrender fee" if they can. If anything this would discourage irresponsible owners. A pet shop usually buys from breeders, so irresponsible breeders are profiteering from it, encouraging them.


do you think the cat I ran over survived
my sister said that if it's a stray then it's probably tough enough to survive a car running over it but I think that's unlikely


My mom is Karen and she keeps complaining to me about it she says that and 'okay boomer' hurt her feelings


You need to work your brain a little harder. People don't pay for a service they don't intend to "profit" from. Never teenpost at me again.


Watch "In the Company of Men"


Did you even read my post?

Tell me exactly how some irresponsible owner delivering a cat or dog to a shelter is profiteering when the shelter charges them. Where does the profit for the owner come from? How are the owners encouraged to do this?


You're asking me questions you should ask yourself. You admitted people literally pay to give away pets to shelters. Why?


cuz they're dumb, next question


Not him but who would win if they struck first? India or China?


no you fucking dipshit. being unable to care for your pet while still wishing it the best at a shelter isn't unethical. truly unethical owners, or yes, those without access to shelters or adopters will simply abandon them at a street corner to die and no way in hell does potential adoption ever cross their minds nor encourage them at that point.
breeding will cease when demand plummets but abandonment will remain for as long as pets exist.


I bet you think abortion availability has no correlation to casual sex. Dogs have been bred for centuries. When did PetSmart open?


>I bet you think abortion availability has no correlation to casual sex.
i dont. i admit shelters absolutely increase abandonment rates via guilt-ridden fencesitters but i stand by it as being more ethical than normal abandonment whose 'profit' motive (less mouths to feed) remains static whether one's pet is crushed by a vehicle or safely adopted. that is, i believe shelters are not nearly as powerful an enabler compared to abortion and contraceptives (with regards to casual sex), unless you are a firstie who has never fucking seen street dogs.

>Dogs have been bred for centuries.

commercial sales to common folk comprise the bulk of those operations and will naturally diminish as less people purchase dogs. its almost direct cause and effect unlike abandonment/adoption and abortion/casual sex.


Whoever strikes first wins. Next.


So China. Nothing India produces ever works.


Even your dad pathetic sperm worked at least once, pretty sure one billion people can produce something that works.


Guess your dads sperm did malfunction since you try to talk shit in a place like this you fucking retard


His dad's spermed did malfunction as heck


Imagine in the middle of 2020 with what is going on people freaking out over the rebranding of a syrup. Even as a kid I always knew it was racist.


You were one dumb kid


Why do foids worship nigs is it really a bbc thing


They're like pets. Can't be mean to the heckin buddyinos


It feels so good to see people whining and complaining over things they would have never given a shit about if BLM didn't happen. Like Elmer Fudd not being able to have a gun in the new Looney Tunes.

You are a fucking grown man or woman complaining about a childrens cartoon. Doesn't get more sad than that.


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It really is the worst era, I really hate how everybody's always in on the same topics, everybody talks about the same things, it's like everybody's on the same club. You can't escape it, even on some obscure /jp/ spinoff you're reminded of the latest topics. Not trying to be sarcastic here, I really do hate it, and by the way I also hate that I have to specify that I'm not being sarcastic, but anyways I want to run away but I don't know where, this is the only earth. There's no fucking escape.


i feel the same lets live together


it's all shitmins fault for not moving garbage threads to ghost


So much this


You're on an anime website


hate teenmin


That's not really what I was getting at, the point is, that we are living in such an era in which it's inevitable that someone is going to bring up the latest world-trending topics, even on ota, even on the most remote place on the internet, it's gonna happen. Deleting or moving threads isn't going to make a difference in the greater scale, it's the fact that someone will inevitably think of making them that is the problem. Does that make sense?


I get what you're saying but I think it would make a difference given that it's always the same individual posters that post garbage.


I just don't care, man. It's such a trivial matter, and you're going to keep seeing threads you don't like in every board you go to, no matter how many of them are deleted. Honestly when I see people on chans of all places bitching and demanding more strict moderation I can only think that's just another of the problems with the modern internet.


Can you not read? Already stated this thread is allowed.




help us defeat the commie sjws and everything will settle down


They haven't been the biggest problem in years, now its the right wing snowflakes throwing massive fits every time they don't get their way.


>pulls down state of Jefferson
>defunds the police
>forms independent communist state in the middle of Seattle and destroys everything within
>burns down hundreds of buildings
but the right wing snowflakes


This is exactly what I mean, immediately flipping out and deflecting to some unrelated bullshit.


all based


uh yeah listing the stuff the communist left wing did in the last week is a bigger problem than what they actually did

you better arrest me because I'm terrorist level at this point


The only person mentioning recent topics, which is what the poster you were replying to was talking about, is you. You are the problem.


help us defeat the commie sjws and everything will settle down


What board did henri move to I don't see him posting as much.


if henri doesnt post here what purpose does this board even serve anymore


The board is significantly better with posters like henri than teens like the politics norm above.


I'm a political scientist and I say Henri is the best thing to happen to /jp/ since the invention of the Internet.


Maybe you're not being sarcastic but you're certainly being ironic.


henri is busy finalizing buying a house with his wife
they got married 4 weeks ago


Henri fucked off to 4cucks to suck janny cock I am an incomparable homo


congrats on the marriage


congrats on the marriage


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im so happy for him and umi


Uh thats a middleschooler


shes well into her 20s, and after spending too long looking for love in all the wrong places she found a lovely person to spend the rest of her life with


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After getting publicly dabbed on hard by the basedmin henri was never able to recover and he developed a drinking problem and drug addiction


Wow you're so epic.


Haven't you seen the archive posts? He creeps on his older sister kids and made countless blog posts about wanting to fuck 3D lolis



Of course pnig goes to prison for 100 years while the white skinned henri walks free


For now just wait until the FBI report is finalized I am an incomparable homo


Most of you probably don't use google, but if you do, do NOT search for the word "loli".

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