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No. 506272

Henrietta's revenge and Teemin's redemption.
Part 1: the kidnapp.

Teenmin was on the edge. His short, miserable high school life was falling apart. The day has come: he would kill himself. He decided, however to take one last MacDonald’s before that. With the money he stole from his mom’s purse he bought a gun, then his favorite meal. It smells great. It was huge. Truly a work of art that only MacDonald’s could create. It even. But he would never taste it.
When he was about to give the first byte, someone (or something) knocked his head. A beautiful young girl dragged him unconscious to a car, bringing the now destroyed (but still smelling great) hamburger. Her name? Henrietta.


Please stop writing erotic fanfiction about yourself henri


gonna post this on ao3, gimme some good tags


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Part 2: Torture begins.
Teenmin woke up, fully immobilized, in a dark room, with a terrible headache. He couldn’t move a finger. His entire body was encapsulated, from his head down to his fingers. Turns out that was actually drugged. While he was asleep, Henrietta gave him some experimental medicine to 1: make sure he wouldn’t run away and 2: amplify his pain. He couldn’t see anything. But as we’ll see soon, it wouldn’t make a difference. Even his eyes were immobilized couldn’t blink. Slowly, it was bursted with tears, not only because of not only his body was doing a last attempt to not go blind but also because of his desperation. He could still smell the MacDonald’s even if he couldn’t see. The smell was waning, but it was still there someone on that dark, forbidden place. What was going on? He just wanted to eat his last meal and kill himself! But no, his life would get even worse from now on.
Henrietta entered the room. Teenmin couldn’t see her, but he could listen to her steps. With a smooth voice, she started talking:
“You really think it would be that easy?” Those would be the last words Teenmin would ever listen. Henrietta came close and with a stick she bursted one of his eardrums. Blood was spilling. Teenmin tried to scream in agony, but even his mouth was immobilized, and the result was only a disturbing, desperate whisper. Then she bursted his other eardrum and left the room.


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Part 3. Terror.
On the next day, Henrietta came back to the dark room. Not that Teenmin knew at first: he was blind as a bat, and his hearing wasn’t better. He only discovered when he felt her soft skin opening his mouth. “What’s this maniac girl going to do now?” A few moments latter, something hot, burning entered his throat. He couldn’t spit nor swallow it because of the drugs, but he could feel it burning his vocal chords. After making him deaf and blind was she trying to destroy his sensorial system? Probably not. Whatever she put on his throat tasted terrible, the only thing that preventing Teenmin to puke once more were the drugs. She took care to place it somewhere on his throat that wouldn’t destroy his ability to taste. But now he couldn’t speak anymore.
On the next day (or at least he believed it was a new day, his circadian clock was confused) the effects of the drugs were wearing off. He could smell his obese figure reeking of a mix of body odor and feces. With no eyesight, he tried to walk, and after an Herculean effort, he did… only to run into Henrietta’s huge boobs (the first and the last would ever touch) and falling into her boots.


The young girl smiled after kicking him in the balls and put the next phase of her plan into practice. As Teenmin was laying down in pain, Henrietta grabbed a huge hammer and smashed his left feet. Burning what was left of his vocal chords, Teenmin tried screamed in agony. Over the next days, Henrietta would break all of his limbs, one by one. Now, even if he was rescued, he couldn’t commit suicide, nor tell anyone how much he wants to die. The enormous amount of fat on his could sustain all the energy of his body for months. Aware of this, Henrietta only gave him a strange brew with an appalling taste for weeks to keep him not-totally-dehydrated so he could still play with her favorite toy for longer.
The forms of torture were getting more and more creative. After there were no bones to break, reducing Teenmin to a bag of fat and malfunctioning organs, with his small brain still working relatively fine. Henrietta than electrocuted him, flayed him, burned some parts of his naked skin and put others on the ice. After weeks, Teenmin was starving, slim enough for Henrietta to put the final part of her plan into practice. God knows how wrong things would be.


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Part 4. Preparations for the ritual.
Teenmin was now slender. His flayed skin was growing again, whiter than his former gross, spic, hairy skin. Henrietta proceeded with her plan. Teenmin felt someone caressing his tiny dick. Despite how horrifying the last months were, his masochist instincts were stronger than ever and he spent most of the time on the dark room erected. Not anymore. With a grasp, Henrietta chopped his balls off. That was the most terrible pain he ever felt. Not only she took of his decision to die, but now even his manhood. He was a virgin. He would always remain one, even if he lived for 300 years. Having his member chopped wouldn’t male a difference on this subject. But it was still terrible. Henrietta sewed where his balls used to be so he woudn’t die due to the bleeding.


Henrietta wasn’t the only one torturing a depressed fellow that was about to suicide. Her best friend and girlfriend, Lolimoshoujo, was doing something that even the devil would be scared to a certain guy, Trevor. They decided to put the last phase of their plans together.


>wouldn’t male a difference
Please stick it in me


Still waiting on part 5


I'll post it today.


Part 5: Teenmin as a butterfly and Lolimoshoujo arrival.
Despite the terrible things Henrietta was doing to Teenmin’s body, one single, sensitive place of his body was unscathed: his anus. Not because she forgot, the girl was smart, but because it was going to be her grand finale. The drugs she was giving to her prisoner turned him into an androgynous figure. Without food, Tenmin’s once obese pic was now slender, though part of his gynecomastia remained, the poor boy for some reason gained weight on his chest too easily. Henrietta gave him a shower (the first in months) with a hose, alternating in super cold and super-hot water, to his pain. Then, she proceeded on her plan. Before his death, Teenmin was going to be a girl. His metamorphosis was complete.

Meanwhile, Lolimoshoujo arrived with a half-dead Trevor. Wearing a lilac skirt, you could see a bulge between his legs. Just like Teenmin, Trevor was an eunuch now, but his microscopic dick was replaced with a pantagruelic strap-on.
The two cisgender girls put their final creations together. Along with the skirts, they added an automaton to what not so long ago use to be two young boys. And then it started.


Finale: redemption. First impression.
It was all settled. Trevor with the automaton and the strap-on sewed on the place his tiny dick used to be were going to rape Teenmin.
Henrietta smirked to her flat friend as their creations, dressed as school girls, started to forced fuck each other.
First, the automaton was made Teenmin masturbate the strap-on. That wasn’t so bad, he was used to be forced to make quick movements even if his bones was all broken.
Than, he was forced to forced to deepthroat Trevor. He couldn’t vomit since his starving stomach was empty but men, that was hard. The strap-on was connected to Trevor’s bloodstream, making him literally cum blood, that Teenmin was drinking.
The automatons of the broken boys moved. It was time for the penetration. The bliss in Henrietta’s eyes was the strongest ever since she started to torture Teenmin. But for the first time things aren’t going to work for the beautiful sadistic girl.


patiently waiting for the next part


wish i was sakuya in this picture


Waiting for sequel


Gonna post it today


Finale. Second impression.

At the beginning, the violation of his anus was the most humiliating thing Teenmin has ever experimented. It was indeed painful, but the worse was the idea of being fucked in the ass. “That’s not how things are supposed to be. Why didn’t I kill myself one day before? Why did I buy that idiot sandwich”, he enquired himself. But now it was too late. His last trace of dignity was being removed from him as Trevor thrusted the prosthesis into him. That was the only time he would have sex, and would be with a man!
Lolimoshoujo pressed a button. The strap-on started to grow and burn hot inside his colon, close to his empty bowel. That was the moment when Teenmin did something that really resembled a scream, the first since his vocal chords were destroyed by Henrietta. At first, the kidnapper thought that was a scream of pain, but no, it was from pleasure.
By that time Teenmin decided it was time to stop resisting. More than that. Only now he realized the present Henrietta gave him. Why was he so sad since he was born? Maybe because he was a fat, brown, good-for-nothing loser, right? We’ll, he actually belived that but that wasn’t the case.
Turns out Teenmin was a transgender girl all along!


Final part: third impression.
After finding out he was a transgender girl, Teenmin just got ecstatic. It feels great to finally realize your purpose in life… He gave his small moans of pleasure, both by the buttfuck he was receiving and by how awesome reality just turned to be.
Henrietta didn’t realize that immediately. She thought she was giving Teenmin the worst moment of his miserable life. But soon she realized something was wrong. The dark basement didn’t have light, so she couldn’t see Teenmins smile, but coming close she realize the expression of joy stamped on her captive. “What’s going on?”. She aborted the procedure right away and started the old torture methods again. But nothing could make Teenmin look sad again.
With the last trace of vocal chords, Teenmin managed to say some words, though she never knew since she was totally deaf. Trans rights.
Henrietta got terrified. She was a massive radical feminist gender critical with no respect of transgender women. Realizing her grave mistake, she smothered Teenmin with her ample breasts.
Teenmin died. But she died as the happies tranny in the world. And that’s all thanks to Henrietta.


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