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You can gauge someone's intelligence based on their thoughts on women.
Virtually every great mind either ignored women entirely, thought they were mindless baby-makers, or simply hated them outright.
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>>506445Yeah it's really easy to gauge someone's emotional intelligence based on their thoughts on women too!
>>506445That's because every "great mind" is long dead. There are few or no people similarly regarded who lived post gender quality. Same with racial equality.
In 500 years there will be plenty of dead great minds who held women to be equal
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"Lying is the first step on the path to thievery"
-Otamin 547 AD
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>>506454"Lying is the first step on the path to sleepery"
-Otamin 547 AD, evening
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>>506463I have it on good record that otamin drafted up all the dwarven vows during the era of Dhaos.