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File: 1593807411222.gif (Spoiler Image, 81.08 KB, 238x256, recovery.gif)

>>506571damn i am owned into the stratosphere how will i ever recover from this hard knockdown.
>>506590Ah yes,
Political Science Quarterly, the voice of black Ameri–, um, I mean
African-American America.
Mr Wizard paid some kid 20 bucks to run around a public area naked 20 years ago. it came back to bite him in the ass.
>>506610Well obviously. Why would I play that old game when a newer and better one exists.
>>506609I don't like playing against a bunch of kids online, if that's what you're implying. I just play by myself against the CPU.
>>506611>Well obviously. Why would I play that old game when a newer and better one exists.Competitively Melee still feels much better to play than Ultimate.
Primarily because you can't dash dance and wavedash, you just can't move how you want in a precise exact fashion with no lag.