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So uh do you have a type?
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I think I wouldn't even mind being in a gay relationship.
It's not even a sexual frustration thing, I am just so lonely and friendless…
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I really wish I was a girl, but kept my same level of intelligence and knowledge.
I'll never become a tranny, but my life would be totally different.
Everyone would have been nice to me just for being a girl. Every accomplishment I achieved would be praised more just because I'm a girl.
I'd get to have sex anytime I want, pass on my genes, and there would be tons of guys willing to bankroll my whole life just for having sex with them.
>>506819If I was biologically a girl I'd want to.
I'd only fuck gay pathetic imageboard posting guys like this
>>506812 and I'd always be the top.
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>>506826You can if you want, I like collecting the cute ones.
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>>506821But anon if you were a girl you couldn't pleasure weak gaybois because you wouldn't be a boy anymore.
>>506860You misinterpreted.
If I was a girl I wouldn't fuck you at all.
>>506914I'm not a tranny
I just want to take these weak imageboard posting weeaboos and own their ass
I'd tell them their asshole now belongs to me and to tighten up or else I'd start hitting them
>>506927Found the most jealous /ota/ gayboy in the whole thread. Got it worse than OP
I am an incomparable homoOOOOO