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No. 506956

Why do I still feel like enabling Henri if he's not even here to see my love?


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Such is the fate of an ota idolposter, to support from afar in silence


And as for the pedophile freak Henri, the Otamin has no jurisdiction. He will find him and make him squeal.


He likes older women thogh.


Don't worry Henri still lurks here to feed off of the attention.


Of fucking course his worshippers are teens who's never been to /ghost/ fuck off already.


Tell us then, oh the oldefege, what should we understand about /jp/?

That any thread made beyond 2014 asking “how long you have been browsing /jp/ for” has the oldest people telling us that they started browsing it in 2012 (which is arguably not even that bad), do you even remember what shit was happening here past 2013? I bet you enjoyed those train threads a lot. I know that you went to convience us that you himabroes are real oldfags!! but you aren't fooling anyone. You are no different from gnfos (teenbro retards), you do nothing but literally post shit like “i ate banana ysterday”, show me one fucking post of this sort that has been made in the pre-2010 /jp/ even once.

If you think /jp/ at any point was a blog for a bunch of retarded children I have bad news for you. You are the cancer, and you convincing yourself that himaturd hangout is le oldfag hangout is the most pathetic shit ever. The actual old timers are just laughing at you or crying at over how pathetic you are. Sure, times change, people change, /jp/ changes too, I can accept that we won't be talking about YMK 24/7 because it's just fucking old and a lot of people don't care. But what you have become is an equivalency of a plague.


I lost brain cells reading this


Didn't even bother reading past the first sentence obvious pasta




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