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No. 506999

Hey girl's gotta eat


Only fatsos irl have this fetish because they want the girl to be as fat as them


and thus feel the same level of low self esteem and self worth


Not enough is going to her boobs. Fake pic.


40% of americans are obese. I dunno what I would have done if henri was a gross fatass like teenmin


I would probably stop loving him. I hate fat people. I would kill myself if I were fat.


This number is inflated because of women, minorities and the elderly.


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You have so much information just 30 keystrokes away, so much that it would make a scholar of the ancient world weep with joy.


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>40% of foids in my demographic are obese
>100% of them are nonvirgin


Are you bad with numbers or just agreeing with me?


Average for white men is above 40%. Average for men 20-39 is above 40%. I didn't find one broken down by both race/gender and age but feel free to find one and I'd hazard a guess that 40% falls within the error bounds.


I don't see statistics for highscoolers on his post, do you have it?



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Okay then. In that case your first post is just plain wrong. The real number for all adults is inflated by minorities and old people and women.


I want you to explain how the number of white male obese adults is inflated by minorities and women to 40% when 44% of white men are obese.
I want you to explain how the number of young male obese adults is inflated to 40% by the elderly when 40.3% of all 20-39 men are obese.

Unless you can find data broken down by sex, race, gender, and age then going off our sex/race/gender and age/gender obesity data it looks like 40% is a reasonable lower bound on the number of fat white young boids.


I literally don't believe CDC numbers.

About 80% of hispanic women in America are fat.

I have almost never seen a non-fat woman beaner and I live around a lot of them.


I just told you in plain English. Your first number was wrong. I'm sorry for not fact checking you from the beginning. I don't care about 40%. Let me say it again: the actual statistic for all adults is inflated by women, minorities and old people.


The factor I didn't mention is education and income, which is actually the most significant trend in obesity stats. You will see a lot more fat people if you live around poor or less educated people.


What you're also not considering is that the vast majority of hispanics wouldn't be counted in whatever survey this was.

They're either illegal, have illegal family members, no health insurance, or just wouldn't be in some gay CDC survey.

Trust me, 80% of hispanic women in America are fat.


Okay, it sounds like they're poor and uneducated. So they're more likely to be fat.


It's really easy to be right when you move the goalposts whenever you're shown to be wrong, dipshit backpedalling racist ​i​n​​c​​e​​​​l.

Agreed, socioeconomic factors are most important.
You could also make the argument that certain demographics dietary preferences play a factor, but its a waste of time trying to go that deep when we're arguing with a brainlet who wants to pull out the calipers to diagnose obesity.


Explain to me how the data you posted agrees that "40% of americans are obese" and we'll go from there, tranny.


Actually, just don't reply to me please. I'm sorry that I'm racist for posting the summary from your source. You win.


I don't know if the CDC is right or wrong but I have to admit I have only ever seen a non obese adult female hispanic a handful of times



>The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults was 42.4% in 2017–2018. The prevalence was 40.0% among younger adults aged 20–39, 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40–59, and 42.8% among older adults aged 60 and over. There were no significant differences in prevalence by age group (Figure 1).

Its okay to be wrong highschool dropout-kun.


I thought trannies were supposed to be good at math.


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Just to summarize your argument thus far:
>Less than 40% of americans are obese because of scary minorities and… (in 2020)
>A graph that ends in 2014 shows only 35%~ of men are obese
>I don't believe the CDC (who I previously posted an image from to prove my 35%~ figure)
>I don't care whether or not 40% of white americans are obese because scary minorities
>Your data doesn't show that 40% of americans are obese
>42% is bigger than 40% so you're wrong


Oh boy, it broke out the green text. I'm sorry that everything you cite agrees with me. I remember being 20 and pedantic. 42% isn't 40%, and 42% in 2018 isn't 42% in 2020. Even as stupid as you're trying to be, you're still wrong.

>The prevalence of obesity was highest among non-Hispanic black adults compared with other race and Hispanic-origin groups, overall and among women.


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sorry you got owned tranny scum


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nothing you've posted thus far contradicts that around 40% of your supposed ubermensch are fatty fat fats


I'm going to be sincere with you right now, the way you're behaving is why people don't like trannies. You took a reasonable discussion and pigeonholed it into pedantry for internet points. The reason I'm calling you a tranny is because you chose to use slurs first, remember that it goes both ways. The only thing I have said that might remotely be wrong is that the "elderly" slant the statistics towards obesity. The oldest age groups are actually the thinnest, while the middle aged and old are significantly fatter than the young. Everything else is clear in the data. Next time someone is treating you poorly, remember how you're acting right now.


No stop I'm not owned less than 40% of white people would be obese if we just were at a kkk rally


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Make 40% 41%.


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You're so close, now your data is from 2016 instead of 2014. Maybe if I keep making fun of you you'll finally make it to 2018, or better yet find data from 2019 or 2020!


the amount of cope in this thread


The CDC statistics are literally wrong.

I don't know who and where they sampled but I can tell you 100% they're wrong by a huge margined.

Whatever they did is extremely biased.

For example they must have only surveyed wealthy/middle class hispanics (a relatively small percentage of hispanics as a whole), because the vast majority of female hispanics in America are obese.

Female hispanics absolutely do not share a ~40% obesity rate with white women.


If thats the case you should be able to easily find data to prove your claim or be able to point out exactly where the fault in the methodology of their data is. I'm sure a random boidsel on an chinese cartoon forum board knows better than the NHANES researchers and their peer reviewers. I'll wait.



Yes, every study that does not align with your anecdotal experiences tinged by confirmation bias is a conspiracy by the friends to genocide the white man.


You can't accurately survey American hispanics because they are overwhelmingly either

- illegal immigrants
- have family members that are illegal
- have no health insurance, money, or transportation to be counted in dumb surveys or doctor visit data harvesting

See, you're actually the dumbass for thinking a survey accurately reflects obesity rates in the real hispanic community of USA.

Literally going outside and opening your eyes is far more accurate than this dumbass survey.


And yes I literally have lived around hispanics all my life.

The elementary school in my town is majority hispanic.

The majority of them are either illegal themselves OR have illegal family members. Money, healthcare, and transportation are major issues for them.

And literally all the females are fat


So since you didn't actually read the article I linked I'll sum it up for your tiny white power brain
>To produce reliable statistics, NHANES over-samples persons 60 and older, African Americans, and Hispanics.
>NHANES is designed to facilitate and encourage participation. Transportation is provided to and from the mobile center if necessary. Participants receive compensation and a report of medical findings is given to each participant. All information collected in the survey is kept strictly confidential. Privacy is protected by public laws.

I'm sure you know so much about obesity rates across all of america. I'd be surprised if you knew about any of the rates outside your zip code.


> Transportation is provided to and from the mobile center if necessary.

The real Hispanic population of Ameirca would not fuck with any of this stuff.

They are not going to some dumbass survey, free transportation or not.

They would be putting their illegal family members at risk for no reason, if they're not illegal themselves to begin with, and they'd miss out on work.

Dumbass survey, dumbass statistics.

Would only be accurate for wealthy yuppie populations.


Latino girls just blow up after they get married. The young and civilized ones balance out the overall % to whatever you're seeing. If young latinas are in the 20%s and rich/educated people are in the 30%s, how many poor old latinas have to be fat to make 45% for the whole group?


And literally the only thing they eat is fried beans meat and cheese and tortilla in some format

I'm not fucking kidding it's not a stereotype

90% adult female hispanic obesity rate is the actual statistic.


I'm so not owned right now lemme just triple post real quick…


Why would rich people be thin and poor people have fat? That wouldn't make sense. You can't afford to have fat when you don't have money for buying the food.


Food is cheap and there are places that hand out food that is close to spoiling to ethnic types.
This is on top of the food stamps and stuff they're already getting.

American society is based around gorging minorities full of sugar cakes and fried meats and then using immense medical resources to keep them alive.


Dollars and calories have no correlation unless you literally cannot afford to feed yourself. Americans that poor aren't statistically significant.


They are actually it's just they get food for free somehow.

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