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>>507005You have so much information just 30 keystrokes away, so much that it would make a scholar of the ancient world weep with joy.
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>>507010Okay then. In that case your first post is just plain wrong. The real number for all adults is inflated by minorities and old people and women.
>>507013I want you to explain how the number of white male obese adults is inflated by minorities and women to 40% when 44% of white men are obese.
I want you to explain how the number of young male obese adults is inflated to 40% by the elderly when 40.3% of all 20-39 men are obese.
Unless you can find data broken down by sex, race, gender, and age then going off our sex/race/gender and age/gender obesity data it looks like 40% is a reasonable lower bound on the number of fat white young boids.
>>507014I literally don't believe CDC numbers.
About 80% of hispanic women in America are fat.
I have almost never seen a non-fat woman beaner and I live around a lot of them.
>>507018What you're also not considering is that the vast majority of hispanics wouldn't be counted in whatever survey this was.
They're either illegal, have illegal family members, no health insurance, or just wouldn't be in some gay CDC survey.
Trust me, 80% of hispanic women in America are fat.
>>507015>>507016It's really easy to be right when you move the goalposts whenever you're shown to be wrong, dipshit backpedalling racist incel.
>>507018Agreed, socioeconomic factors are most important.
You could also make the argument that certain demographics dietary preferences play a factor, but its a waste of time trying to go that deep when we're arguing with a brainlet who wants to pull out the calipers to diagnose obesity.
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>>507026Just to summarize your argument thus far:
>Less than 40% of americans are obese because of scary minorities and… (in 2020)>A graph that ends in 2014 shows only 35%~ of men are obese>I don't believe the CDC (who I previously posted an image from to prove my 35%~ figure)>I don't care whether or not 40% of white americans are obese because scary minorities>Your data doesn't show that 40% of americans are obese>42% is bigger than 40% so you're wrong No.507031
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>>507030nothing you've posted thus far contradicts that around 40% of your supposed ubermensch are fatty fat fats
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>>507035You're so close, now your data is from 2016 instead of 2014. Maybe if I keep making fun of you you'll finally make it to 2018, or better yet find data from 2019 or 2020!
>>507043You can't accurately survey American hispanics because they are overwhelmingly either
- illegal immigrants
- have family members that are illegal
- have no health insurance, money, or transportation to be counted in dumb surveys or doctor visit data harvesting
See, you're actually the dumbass for thinking a survey accurately reflects obesity rates in the real hispanic community of USA.
Literally going outside and opening your eyes is far more accurate than this dumbass survey.
>>507045So since you didn't actually read the article I linked I'll sum it up for your tiny white power brain
>To produce reliable statistics, NHANES over-samples persons 60 and older, African Americans, and Hispanics.>NHANES is designed to facilitate and encourage participation. Transportation is provided to and from the mobile center if necessary. Participants receive compensation and a report of medical findings is given to each participant. All information collected in the survey is kept strictly confidential. Privacy is protected by public laws.I'm sure you know so much about obesity rates across all of america. I'd be surprised if you knew about any of the rates outside your zip code.
>>507047> Transportation is provided to and from the mobile center if necessary.The real Hispanic population of Ameirca would not fuck with any of this stuff.
They are not going to some dumbass survey, free transportation or not.
They would be putting their illegal family members at risk for no reason, if they're not illegal themselves to begin with, and they'd miss out on work.
Dumbass survey, dumbass statistics.
Would only be accurate for wealthy yuppie populations.
>>507053Food is cheap and there are places that hand out food that is close to spoiling to ethnic types.
This is on top of the food stamps and stuff they're already getting.
American society is based around gorging minorities full of sugar cakes and fried meats and then using immense medical resources to keep them alive.