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I hate Biden, Democrats, leftists, SJWs
But hoping Biden wins solely because the demonic J3wish Democrat handlers in charge are more likely to implement UBI than Trump.
Trump is the light side, the hero side, the morally correct side.
But I'm going full dark side, full evil, and voting Democrat when I'm against 99% of everything the SJW elites in control of the media, schooling system, and government, stand for except UBI.
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>>507300Did you just claim to be socially conservative and economically left, then claim a guy who engages in adultery and prostitution and passed tons of fed gun control to be a moral hero?
>>507303In this case it's basically Trump vs the corrupt evil elites.
The same evil elites that control the media and have spent the last 4 years brainwashing people into hating him.
The vast majority of people who hate Trump don't know why they do, it's just because their peers do, and ultimately their peers and them do because of media brainwashing.
Trump is an outsider.
Biden is the face of the system. The status quo. The capitalist elites who control the media, finance, wealth, colleges. He is a senile puppet for the interests of whoever pulls the strings.
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Is this the minority spirit thread?
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Shouldn't you politicalnorms have left when your king henry did
>>507309Because we already had a ton of poor people before they destroyed the economy by shutting down businesses which doesn't even help.
So we had massive riots all over the country and people so mad they are deliberately not practicing safety measures to show how angry they are at the government.
TLDR: We have a relatively high COVID rate because we shut down businesses
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>posting politics on ota
>>507311The idea of "virtue signaling" is a real problem. People like
>>507308 are brainwashed into loudly parroting specific ideas without putting any effort into having a fundamental understanding of the problem. They're not doing good, they're just taking cues from media and friends/celebrities and trying to fit in. It's about social capital and validation.
In the quoted post, just for example, any person who was genuinely concerned with racial oppression would never infer that blacks are the only group that needs support.
It's just mob mentality at its worst, these people have forsaken due process. Now we're dealing with "reverse" bigotry, witch hunts ("cancellations") and even violence.
>>507326this is how we win:
convert 10 people on ota
convert 100 people on mastodon
convert 10000000 zoomers on tiktok
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Shinoa…. NO!
>>507304I really don't get this guy.
He goes on gn and ota with very center to center-left beliefs, but constantly insists that the left is evil and that his milquetoast changes from the status quo are a drastic turn right.
Anything that involves higher public spending and/or higher taxation is the definition of economically left.
Your beliefs are somewhere around center as social conservative and economic leftist, but you get so mad when anyone implies your wish for people to not go homeless or hungry is left of the status quo or center in english-speaking countries that you just chimp out about it instead of just admitting you're mistaken with the nomenclature.
Are you an immigrant from some really far left country so you define these lines differently?
Anyways, I'm fairly left and I really wish Trump could've fulfilled any of his campaign promises like draining the swamp or more quickly and safely deporting non-contributing illegal immigrants, but he's full of hot air and so are most politicians in a democracy.
>>507339>He goes on gnWrong.
>Anything that involves higher public spending and/or higher taxation is the definition of economically left.Also wrong.
>but you get so madAlso wrong.
>>507342It's actually pretty bad though, in America, if you're not black, your chance of being murdered is about the same as most of Europe and Asia, maybe a bit higher, between ~4 per 100k.
The homicide rate in the US is heightened drastically by blacks being killed at an absurdly high rate by other blacks.
>>507350Trying to limit the amount of handguns on the market might help some, most other guns aren't used often in homicides, but recent rioting and Trump's federal gun control at the start of last year have lead to gun sales getting so out of hand that buying ammo is an actual issue now.
Unfortunately though, there's very obviously bad implications about the idea of some politician going in front of congress saying we need to stop black people from having guns to save black people.
>>507363in the grand scheme of things, cops only kill about 1000 people per year and the large majority of them have it coming. Of 1000, generally 100-150 are unarmed
Only about 200 of those are black, and a similar proportion of them messed up in some way.
The media has a lot of people really riled up when people are more likely to die from a 0.15% encounter with covid sadly.
Police violence and interracial violence, despite being big moneymakers for the news media really just aren't very large problems, but police reform and external investigations are still a worthy goal.
And there's still other issues with wrongful arrests, injury, and harassment that don't result in death; but as a whole the problem is very overstated right now.
>>507371That is really an issue with the economy and why equality and socialism policies are important. People who live in poverty and have no higher education turn to crime and all the math points to that.
College should be free and we need to strip all the money from the rich and invest it in low income neighborhoods. It should have been done decades ago but no politician has had the guts to do it.
Socialism is different from communism no matter what the far right will tell you otherwise.
I hate Biden, Democrats, leftists, SJWs
But hoping Biden wins solely because the demonic J3wish Democrat handlers in charge are more likely to implement UBI than Trump.
Trump is the light side, the hero side, the morally correct side.
But I'm going full dark side, full evil, and voting Democrat when I'm against 99% of everything the SJW elites in control of the media, schooling system, and government, stand for except UBI.I hate Biden, Democrats, leftists, SJWs
But hoping Biden wins solely because the demonic J3wish Democrat handlers in charge are more likely to implement UBI than Trump.
Trump is the light side, the hero side, the morally correct side.
But I'm going full dark side, full evil, and voting Democrat when I'm against 99% of everything the SJW elites in control of the media, schooling system, and government, stand for except UBI.I hate Biden, Democrats, leftists, SJWs
But hoping Biden wins solely because the demonic J3wish Democrat handlers in charge are more likely to implement UBI than Trump.
Trump is the light side, the hero side, the morally correct side.
But I'm going full dark side, full evil, and voting Democrat when I'm against 99% of everything the SJW elites in control of the media, schooling system, and government, stand for except UBI.I hate Biden, Democrats, leftists, SJWs
But hoping Biden wins solely because the demonic J3wish Democrat handlers in charge are more likely to implement UBI than Trump.
Trump is the light side, the hero side, the morally correct side.
But I'm going full dark side, full evil, and voting Democrat when I'm against 99% of everything the SJW elites in control
>>507311The idea of "virtue signaling" is a real problem. People like
>>507308 are brainwashed into loudly parroting specific ideas without putting any effort into having a fundamental understanding of the problem. They're not doing good, they're just taking cues from media and friends/celebrities and trying to fit in. It's about social capital and validation.
In the quoted post, just for example, any person who was genuinely concerned with racial oppression would never infer that blacks are the only group that needs support.
It's just mob mentality at its worst, these people have forsaken due process. Now we're dealing with "reverse" bigotry, witch hunts ("cancellations") and even violence.
Pretty misleading claim. Gore and Kerry both won Iowa, NH and Nevada easily, they just weren't the 'early voting states' back then. The order Iowa, NH, Nevada has been used only four times in a 'competitive' primary: 2012 R, 2016 R, 2016 D and 2020 D. In 2008, Michigan jumped over Nevada. In 2004, DC went first and Kerry wasn't on the ballot there. Before 2004, Nevada didn't hold a caucus and it certainly wasn't an early voting state. Iowa did not release popular vote totals until this year.
Here's the craziest part though: Sanders could have actually done this in 2016. He lost both Iowa and Nevada, but they didn't release any popular vote totals, only delegates. So Sanders could have very well won the popular vote but lost in terms of delegates. We just didn't have that information back then.
>>507443Let's also not forget about how both the DNC and RNC were hacked by Russia, both had compromised data.
Only the Democrat's data was released.
Roger Stone was directly involved.
Republicans seem to oddly fall in line awfully easily even when it seems like something they would normally be upset with even with their own. At the very least it wouldn't surprise me if it's hanging over their heads amongst other things.
I feel like I come across a bit conspiracy-theorist but lordy it makes sense at least, and the hacks are confirmed.
>>5074551st thing. The polls were in the margin of error in 2016. The pundits blew it out of proportion. Trump still had a 29% chance of winning according to FiveThirtyEight, which is definitely not negligible (he now has a 10% chance of victory according to The Economist, which is not negligible either but it’s much fewer, compare 1/3 with 1/10).
2nd thing. Trump did upset the polls in 2016. But this time, he would need three times his 2016 upset, which was already unlikely.
So, ok, the race is not over. But stop pretending Trump is ahead or at least tied when it’s clearly not.
>>507461They did. I early voted on the first day but days later some polling locations suddenly started to close…..
Also our voter registration rolls skyrocketed to 16 million even in a pandemic so they are nervous and ready to test fuckery for November
If the GOP loses Texas on election night they automatically lose their path to the White House and the election could effectively be called before the mountain states come in. Republicans are highly aware of this and will aggressively try to curb democratic votes. This is also a warning for Georgia, Florida and North Carolina who are all showing signs of swinging
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Alright, everyone make interesting posts. Here I'll go first.
*rolls around gayly*
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My political stance is to do this :
*squirms gayly*
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Come home, white man
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The American experiment is on it's last legs. There is no more American patriotism. Most Americans hate being American. They hate the Europeans who built their nation. We pride ourselves on our diversity, yet it's what has done us in. China is now the world's superpower. In such a short time, they have been able to not only catch up, but to exceed our economic dominance. They have expanded to almost every developing nation in the world. They have invested trillions into first world nations. Buying up land and businesses all over the world. America, once a noble, strong nation, is now a pathetic excuse for a country. The laughing stock of the world. Through the guidance of President Xi, China will move forward without American dogs. They will let us kill ourselves in our own country. They will not even have to drop a bomb, or fire a bullet. The stupid Americans will destroy themselves from within.
萬歲! 萬歲! 萬歲!
>>507578Trump has pretty successfully normalized the Presidential lie. Many have just come to accept that the vast majority of what he says is false or misleading, and easily provable as such. For him, telling the truth is not expected now, if it ever was.
The reduced expectation is one of the most damaging legacies of his time in public life.
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These are my thoughts on the current geopolitical situation.

>>507639Wow it's almost like the board doesn't have 100 pages and you could just find a thread you like.
This banner sums it up
>>507643That's a 100 pages of otaku culture, not your garbage normalshit flamebait for retards (politics)
Fuck off, loser
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>>507645im gonna post cute redit pics here
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the rules don't stop me from taking a nice stinky shit all over your thread I am an incomparable homo.
>>507653You know I can just make another one when this one hits bump limit right
Have fun manually spamming a thread you don't like I am an incomparable homoOOOOOOOOOOO
>>5077321 local voting machine doesn't matter
You'd have to hack the central repository that nation-wide votes are collected on.
I believe Microsoft runs this system btw.
A third idea is that growth used to benefit the poor, but that the relationship is no longer so robust. We test this by allowing the relationship between income of the poor
and overall income to vary by decades. We find no significant evidence that growth has become less pro-poor than it was in the past. In fact, our point estimates indicate that, if anything, growth has become slightly more pro-poor in recent decades, although this trend is not statistically significant. No.507815
>>507812Instead of making life worse for the people already here how about you improve life for all by slowing down the number of breeding norms?
I love when you come across these people that try to act all environmentally conscious and yet they're squirting out 2 or 3 without a second though.
Typical norm arrogance.
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>>507816>>507818This isn't highscool math though.
>>507819This is literally what statistics isn't though. The very reasons why of statistics to exists is to prove things in an objective way. Your exemple only fits pseudosciences like sociology, psychology, Anthropology etc that can't prove anything. Even history learned that you need to prove things with Cliometrics in order to make statements.
Most of people on the left are jealous because they don't understand it and pretend to contempt statistics because it shatters their narrative. What can they do? Reality has a bias.
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Whch 2hu wud /ota/ vote for if all 2hus ran for president?
>>507831That's why peer review is a thing.
Anyone with a double digit IQ is capable check if the numbers were tortured or not, it's not very complex in fact.
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more like FRYyousei!
I am an incomparable homo
>>507900Yeah for some reason it's worse than all the other gore images.
I bet he's going to post that yukkuri head microwave comic now.
>>507910Tell that to the idiots that tried to pull an autonomous zone in an area with gangs and drug pushers.
>>507911Because you lost your "little fight" for board control get use to it.
>>507915it's actually funny because where my cousin lives in yreka, CA there's a bunch of paranoid right wing guys going around harassing people in a militia that are all convinced antifa is going to burn the whole town down for the last 2 months.
There's way too many retarded nutters on every end, at least the militia guys didn't get anyone killed though.
>>507920With how quick this thread grew it's clearly a natural progression
>>507921It's likely he's just copying his favorite dead trip by complaining and doing nothing to "make it better" I am an incomparable homo
>>507962>>507960>>507961Oh fug, I can't stop doing it, otamin, I keep switching between different IPs, but these are all me
This comment was brought to you by NordVPN.
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>>507991 was just reading this a few days ago.
Most of these are actually just blacks shooting each other.
But there's been a ton of real mass shootings this year that have had almost zero media coverage and no one knows about.
>>507991This shootout you're talking about today sounds like black gang members shooting each other though.
These are never on national news because it's not a real mass shooting.
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>>508332watching anime,
playing (Japanese) video games,
reading manga, you pedantic fuck.
Also check 'em. This is now a dubs thread.
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>>508408tbh the best thing Trump has done for the country (at least in the short term), is cutting taxes while increasing spending and all of that is set to reverse in 2025 regardless of whether or not he gets re-elected
well the corporate tax cuts aren't set to reverse at all, but I don't think there's any way the state can sustain that
>>508791>this is being banned because it puts people at riskthis
every day I thank big brother for keeping me safe
>>508791hate when nation states steal my data.
no wait not all nation states, the nsa is cool and based. fuck china's surveillance state, china bad!