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it might just be the perspective but these look like CLAMP proportions
>>507934I honestly dont think I've ever seen a show where I'd rate the actual love interests so low compared to how much I enjoy the interactions of the protagonist with the rest of the cast.
I'm more entertained by hachiman with hayato, totsuka, komachi, sensei, saki, iroha, the fujo, yukino's sister all more than the actual 2 girls.
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>>507936you arent a real love interest if you're introduced in volume 4 or later
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This opening made me realize how much I appreciate the hoshiai no sora staff.
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>>507939will this ever get a s3
>>507955probably not, it's gotten a really bad reputation in japan, the novels try to move along the plot which a lot of the harem cast aren't really relevant to, and basically they all riot and review bomb it because there wasn't enough of x girl in the book.
The manga adaptation ended early this year and I think the franchise as a whole is inactive now, a book hasnt come out in over 2 years.
in recent years he's been starting to add in side short stories (kinda weird that those are coming back because every LN series used to have those 20 years ago) for more comedy and stuff though that include a lot of that cast though
I think something like an IS fumoffu or something would be really fun though.
There was also after all that drama of the author getting fired and moving publishers and switching illustrators.
I'd enjoy overlap pushing for a 2nd season of grimgar too though.
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this is a good angle, all anime should look like this
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