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No. 508152

imagine still unironically talking about american exceptionalism as though it's real and a good thing


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Fuck you commie


We still have the best everything except internet and trains.


What's more important than internet and trains though


i like internet and trains too. i've ridden amtrak and it was fun but i'd like to ride a high speed rail some time like a shinkansen or maglev some day. i've used cable internet and it was fun but i'd like to try fiber internet some time since its really fast.

fast things are fun(not cars, cars suck and are gross)!


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forgot my picture


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>(not cars, cars suck and are gross)!
Fuck you, cars are grate and they are faster in corners than bikes


Is Elon Musk still trying to build that hyper fast railway in California? He can't even build a car that works right.


Elon is a fool and joke of a man


ooh I like bikes too they're fun. I really like that I can use the road sometimes and then go pedestrian mode to take a shortcut and then back to biking on the road! right now I have a hybrid bike but I'd really like to get a fancy drop bar road bike some day but they're all so expensive.


Buy an old road bike, it will be good unless you are like 110-130kg. The roadbike redpill that is important to note that for example shimano sets usually have around 100-200 grams of difference between them yet the price usually increases by an order of magnitude as the weight decreases. Ofc new frames are much more rigid which feels great but if you just want to go fast a little or make small trips, a good old steel frame will do. Don't worry about the number of gears either, new bikes feature 9-10-11 gears for road racing and racing reasons only.
I actually meant motorbikes in my earlier post since they are the cheapest fast things out there in the range of cars, boats and trains


Road bikes will make you infertile, impotent, and give you prostate cancer.

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