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No. 508427

If you think. America is just really a dead nation and will be overtaken by China in the near future. Clown President, Laughable economy, No manufacturing, Weak society that is disobedient. It's only a matter of time until the American Empire is overthrown and President Xi is the leader of freer worlds.

It is time we learn the world language of new and discard the old languages of forgotten empires. A more complex language with pitches that is make smarter than American. Thank you and keep good social credit.


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>Clown President, Laughable economy, No manufacturing, Weak society that is disobedient.
aside from the disobedient part, I could say the same about china. I hope that dam doesn't break on you and kill half of your population.


Uh China is plenty disobedient. Did you forget that Hong Kong is part of China? And the subhuman Uighur breeders.


Hong Kong is also not affected by the Great Firewall. Unlike America China is not oppressive and let them live under the system they chose.


Do yourself a favor and don't read the news


seriously, the uighur stuff started because there was some 00s muslim terrorism, then all of a sudden in 09 they had a race riot with a death count of 200.
In a week they managed to take out what makes US riots look like baby numbers.
The big issue with china is they're absurdly heavy-handed with civil disobedience (probably because they deal with violence on a much greater scale than we do).
We also do have a lot of manufacturing, but a decent portion of it is just in Mexico, but we can rely on that unless nafta just disappears.

calling america's economy laughgable is just really ignorant though, regardless of it being in the hands of a small few being bad for quality of life, that's still plenty scary in times of war. And all of our arms manufacturing is stateside, that'd be like saying china has no metal because they take it all from mongolia and africa.

and so is calling mandarin+simplified chinese complex, mandarin is the easiest language I've ever learned since the grammar is incredibly convenient/nonexistent, people will understand what you're saying as long as you indicate what's the subject and what's the predicate and have some kind of action in a sentence. I highly recommend just using 吧 for everything. I'd argue learning radicals and proper meaning of hanzi just as complicated as learning all your latin/german/greek roots. and if you're not learning traditional you're illiterate mainlander scum.


condense your shitty threads


Go back to /om/, weeb


what made you think you deserved 3 threads that haven't hit the bump limit


Yes, the age old Love Live Question.


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Ota is over give up already. I've already deleted my bookmark and hopefully will never come here again.
Shitmin will delete images arbitrarily but leave these threads up because they don't technically break any rules.


Imagine literally being unable to just post in other threads, it's easier than ever now that they're just on page 2 and 3 instead of hentard pushing them to the depths of the catalog. If you liked the front page looking like that, you probably just came here to look and never posted, so no one will know you're gone anyways.


Why come to /ota/ to post about politics though? Why not /pol/ or merorin? It just makes no sense to come to an otaku website to talk about norm shit.


To be honest, 2 of the threads are China doomsday baiting and the other is roughly 70% anime posting and 30% trolling, people have made threads like that here since forever then they go away for 2 months and people have this episode where they forget this happens every time.


oh my god imagine being this mad that basedmin deleted your shitty wojack maki edit hahahahaha


The only threads I have up in the first few pages are the kloe one and the oregairu one and most my image posts are in the anime screenshot thread…


Love Live imageboard


Looks like Henri switched IPs and is at it again…


>30% troll
Posts you don't agree with isn't trolling teen bro angrysoywojak.png




i hope china invades muttland


but she already got remi to park their whole mansion right next to best lake in gensokyo…


Epic teenhu reference neojpteenhubro


4 more years
4 more years
4 more years



the ll /vg/ autist is here again


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