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No. 508485

The more I learn about China the more I like it, the more I wish it will become the center of civilization. Even when W*sterners try to tell me bad things about China, it has the opposite effect, and I like it even more:

>teh chinks and animal cruelty!

Good. Animals are animals, not humans. Empathizing with animals is a sign of mental illness.

>muh Uyghur muslims!

Good. The religion of piss is a plague and must be destroyed. The black cube must be nuked. Mudslimes must be force-fed pork and wine or just shot.

>they are drones working 24/7!

Good. They're doing something productive instead of COOMsuming Belle Delphine videos and other mass pop trash.

>they don't have empathy!

Good. Decision must be made in cold blood and rationally, not with emotions and primate brain.

>they has no freedoms!

Good. Freedoms is what brought W*st to its current state, it would be foolish to repeat another's mistake.

Honestly, where am I wrong? Am I missing something?


Also when Americans say we would be suffering under China, when actually China doesn't interfere with the domestic policy of countries like the US does, they don't force countries to pass gay marriage or other shit.


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Or you know they both can be bad


/what/min thread

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