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No. 508702

Masks are now mandatory here. They're really hard to wear. They make me feel panic. I almost freaked out at the store today. It was already somewhat burdensome to go to the store because of the lights and the noise.

You can get a mask waiver if you're autistic, but I don't want norms knowing I have the disorder. I've also heard norms are just laying into people for not wearing masks. They don't stop to ask if you have a waiver, they just immediately attack you or put their camera phone in your face.


Don't let them control you. You're a human being not a puppet.


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remember to wear your mask around your ears


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People calling oxygen deprivation 'panic' need to drop dead


What kind of country gives people permission to put everyone's lives at risk just because they're autistic
You should be smarter than this, it's the normalfags the ones who refuse to wear masks because they're retarded and selfish. Wear your god damn mask. Also hang in there friend.


you could just wear bandana or shirt over your face or cut up a ski mask or face shield if the other types bother you
it's not like there arent plenty of solutions to stop your saliva and snot from getting out


Not everyone just olds and sick people that should be getting killed anyway


I make to sure to cough on food when no one is looking to steam the boomers I've had a small one lately if I have I'll live the old farts won't though I am an incomparable homo


I was waiting to get coffee just the other day and a parent had a young adult with Chris Chan levels of autism who wasn't wearing one and when asked to leave the Karen mom threatened to expose the shop for discrimination against autism. You can tell everyone inside including myself were holding back laughter.


That was me. You feel like a big man now, faggot?


That's a crime, idiot. Reported to FBI.


*coughs on you* haha what now? Cower in fear soyboy

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