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No. 509121

Recently I've noticed a trend of Japanese companies being bought out/owned by companies and corporations from outside of Japan, namely Chinese and Korean. A couple of examples that come to mind is SNK, the iconic publisher and developer, is owned by Chinese company Leyou Millenium and many of its IPs are being used by and developed by other Chinese companies such as Tencent. Another is LINE Corporation; developer of the number one instant messaging service in Japan, LINE, is owned by Korean corporation Naver.

Can anyone living in Japan, Japanese, or person who is well-informed in these kind of matters give any insight or input on this? I'd like to know how this came to pass and what people think about this.


uhhhhhh love live


/ota/ - Japan/General


Fuck off try hard


Investment bankers invest in stuff, this isn't new. Snk has so much nostalgia value in China, Japan, and Latin America I'm baffled it didn't happen sooner.
Japan is a relatively small country so it's fairly natural for large investment firms to be able to pick what they want if it's available for public purchase.
My bigger question is why other bankrupted nostalgia bait IP holders in any country aren't being preyed upon by investors.

As for line, it was fairly small at the time it was bought. Livedoor was caught in some scandals and their stocks hit the shit hard, naver just had a search engine die and made a really good buy and are really the reason line is as big as it is now.


Thanks for the insight. It just worries me as it seems that China and Korea grow ever-increasingly better at catering toward Japanese youth and seemingly pose a real threat within Japan's market.
The K-pop boom is as big in Japan as it is around the world, if not the biggest outside of Korea. Chinese mobile game company Yostar seem to be hitting it out of the park with each and every release with games including Arknights, Azur Lane, and more recently Mahjong Soul.
I can't say that I'm not at least a little worried for the future of Japan and its people.


Japan has the third largest GDP in the world and is the second most populous rich country after US, they are not small in anything, jusy in area, and even on this point they are bigger than most of the countries in Europe.


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China buying other countries isn't news

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