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keep bleh spirit
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>/jp/ is a cultureless wasteland of endless generals
>All of the old tripfags became even bigger normalfags and forgot the /jp/ era ever happened in their lives
>The old jans have all retired and went on to live their real lives
>Trevor is entering his mid 30s and is still a malnourished NEET yucking it up with his few remaining worshipers that used to be teenagers but are now 20-something losers
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but I don't care about where they went, I showed up in 05 and I'm still here and I want to discuss anime and book and video game girls
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>>509342who's your favorite comic book girl
>>509339but tshit was provenly on old jp and og 4chan yet he's a friendless wizard loser still clinging to those dreamlike days
are you saying he's the exception to the rule?
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>>509335Well of course, why wouldn't it turn out like that? /jp/ has always been a culture centered around worshipping 'oldfags' and proving how long you've been /jp/ for, meaning nobody new joins and the amount of daily visitors can only go down. Ironically your post is part of the problem.