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No. 509433

keep minority spirit


Has anyone ever grown their own food? I wish I lived in a place big enough to have a garden.


I've grown herbs on my windowsill before and tomatoes


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My cannabis seedling sprouted, a seed embryo casing was actually wrapped around the cotyledon leaves so I manually removed it last night, and now the leaves are spread and I can see the first true leaves. A root is coming out of the starter plug so I tried to get it to touch the water.

5 gallon bucket I mixed up some nutrients until about 600ppm, pH was too alkaline so I corrected pH with a phosphoric acid solution. It's like mixing a potion for plants sort of. If ph isn't right the plant roots can't absorb certain nutrients.

Strain is Aurora Indica from Nirvana seeds, using a 300W LED. This strain is almost entirely pure Afghan indica genetics, it's supposed to be one of the most narcotic strains of cannabis.


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ive grown oranges (algerian tangerines are my favorite), lemons, peppers, peas, tomatos, artichokes, leeks, and green onions
and possibly some others that my mom was more interest
it's surprisingly easy if you're willing to buy some fertilizer, seeds and bulbs are incredibly cheap water will likely be the most expensive part


I have a garden with collard, passion fruit, papaya, strawberries, chives, parsley, rosemary, mint. I'm trying to grow eggplants, garlic and sweet potato now, and I have a big pomegranate tree as well but the climate here is not good for them so the fruits taste a bit bland.

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