No. 509477
>War theme:>Whats going on with /r/animemes?Tranny mods have banned the word trap. Obviously the ironic weeb user base isn't happy about it. Thus a war was started and has been raging on for two weeks.
Key highlights include:
>Mods caught shit talking adding fuel to the fire>Nearly 200k subs lost>/r/goodanimemes being created in response, nearly 200k members since the war began>/r/goodanimemes has also been word filtered>supposed shadowbans on animemes users who, with mods denying it of course No.509478
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In subscribers, r/goodanimemes surpassed r/animememes, which somehow is even worse than r/animemes. Even more censorship, and banned trap a month before animemes did.
r/animecirclejerk is the counter-operations center.
>this meme
>not liking that weebs are literally willing to have sex with your type
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mon visage upon learning of transphobes getting btfo into oblivion