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Why does computer stuff have to be so complicated….
>>5450That's very true but I'll probably just have to use the same game sounds or anything I can find on google as I have even less experience in sound stuff.
So far I have like half of the script finished and some basic assets (beginner level pixelart and recolors of corpse party assets).
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But I have 5…
>>5504Why are so many people in these communities interested in esoteric things that aren't practically useful?
I have seen so many Linux nerds talk about all their meme languages and meme tools but they don't make anything. Wouldn't you rather spend that time making an actual game that people can play?
>>5514Now you're just going in circles. You know I've been around quite a while that I've seen people choose esoteric languages and meme tools to work with. The main reason people learn these things isn't to be more productive but because they like to show off.
If you really want to show off then run an OS with a theoretically superior microkernal like Minix 3 or Hurd. Sure you might not ever make anything in it, but you will be the coolest kid in nerd threads.
>>5520Trust me I've known these people before. They show off their emacs and Konqueror and show off they can watch youtube and follow twitters. They talk about writing Hello World in Haskell or another meme language for 20 minutes straight. Then they boot up windows instead because they're playing WOW.
I've seen it so many times so forgive my skepticism.
There is one guy called Elysian Shadows that has been trying to make an RPG Maker clone game for the last 10 years. He's ported it to many different systems that nobody uses and is late on his Kickstarter release date. People actually gave him a few hundred thousand dollars with his track record of getting nothing done. It's good for a chuckle.
That analogy really doesn't work. If you want to make something then use the right tool for the job.
That's what using maintained and supported tools created for producing things are for.
This is about the pinnacle Haskell can do with lots of tricks and workarounds to get it working.'s like trying to make a game in Prolog. It wont work if you're just a memeposter that can't even make things with conventional tools.
>>5538>>5539Yeah this guy. I remember when he did those "where to start" videos. Actually AiGD started much earlier but they rebooted it later and deleted some videos.
He has been working for 10 years with bad tools and working to impractical goals. At this stage modern technology has changed so much that his homebrew engine is a relic of the past decade's amateur game dev era. It's like being able to do "Hello World" on 20 outdated obsolete machines. Nobody cares.
It's still not even released yet, don't become this guy.
>>5548I don't have anything in mind but I'm not good at drawing so there's no way I make sprites, animations or backgrounds.
Can't find anything I like on those free sprites websites and I'm struggling to find an idea.
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The life of a game designer is a scary thing look at this famous guy that is now fat after he quit his day job, and an excerpt from another interview
>Life after leaving a game studio, according to narrative designer Chris Avellone
>"So what I do now is I roll out of bed. I don't get dressed. I don't shower. I just start writing immediately. All my Skype calls have no video. And then I go to bed after about 11 hours, and I think 'that was a very productive day.'"
He doesn't even get dressed or shower he just rolls in bed and eats pizza every day.
>>5624I remember when that happened. He was so busy making a website and others were screaming about open source. People told him the way it was going it wouldn't work because the guys he "hired" were nimwits. Then he put out the message about thanks for the interest we have finished hiring and we have the best team possible.
It's like some guys just like roleplaying making a game instead of trying to make one.
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>>5681Yes, I know it's not hard. It's just too hard for
you and you're playing it off by trying to act the way you are
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this little girl can do 3D modeling for AAA japanese games and you can't
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I make mods for a certain videogame if that counts, and I have a blog for it so I can share the stuff, but unfortunately, I can't share it with any of you.
>>6023Step 1: ignore all pretentious my language/tool/method is best discussions
Step 2: Do you want to learn techniques or discuss tech or do you want to make something that can be played? Decide now.
Step 3: Find a tool that has a low bar to entry and make simple games.
Step 4: Improve your ideas, improve your skills, improve your graphics, maybe switch tools.
Step 5: Keep repeating the previous 2 steps.
>>6023Step 1: Learn lisp
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Achieve Satori
>>5439Didn't know ota had a programming thread in /om/.
If you want to make indie games, don't code anything or do the bare minimum possible.
It's a waste of time to program a game.
Time spent coding is time that could have been spent on art.
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>>6398>been spent on art.If I made a game I'd make one like
>>6396 No.6436
>>6400The first part applies to people that confuse their priorities or are encouraged by other people to invert their priorities. Your priority is to make a game which is something that can be played and enjoyed. On the other hand some people get lost along the way and end up building a game engine from scratch, reinventing the wheel and sometimes even trying to make their own graphics rendering software. Obviously most of the later kind don't often ever actually make games and if they do they're still shit games. Rather than learning C++ and building your own operating system you could just use Unity and make a game.
The second part relates to the tools you use to create your game and your game assets. People might try to tell you to use a certain program but you should focus on using what gets the job done with minimal investment.
The first is programming snobbery and the second is tool snobbery. Minecraft was made with shit programming and shit tools but it was still an extremely successful game.
>>6751What do you mean?
With tutorials I suppose. How to make a window, how to check events, how to take inputs, how to draw shapes.
>>6753I guess that's hard but also not that hard these days. Most of the information you need is online and it really has a lot to do with googling. There are even a lot of tutorials for young women by other women so you have every flavor to pick from.
I'm just doing tutorials for a very simple coding program and then expanding it from there. Then I think of an idea and wonder how I would do that with what I learned from the tutorial.
I think it helps if you have a rough idea of what you want to make.
>>6757Well it really depends on what you want to do but lets say you want to make something basic.
1. You want a program that makes new programs. This one is free and works on windows. You need to check if it also installed the program called msys which is what you need to run it. If not then google that and download it.
1.c. Also check if it points to the first program, under the msys folder called etc is a file called fstab if you open it in notepad it should have a line with the folder of the first program and then like a command. Like it says here under "After installing you should" Now open the msys.bat program and type in gcc –version, I think that's it, and it should give you a version number. That means it knows where the program is and all of it's stuff.
2. Now you have your program to make programs. Well you actually have two, gcc which is older, and g++ which is newer. There is a type of code you have to give it to explain how to make the program. So keep a notepad open and copy/paste things from sites so you remember. Here are some tutorials. If you copy and pasted the code in those tutorials into files and then put in the other code in the special command prompt you're now a programmer! Yippie!
After that you need to find another program to put inside of your program to create programs that can make windows and graphics. And copy paste tutorial examples from that. It might take you a week to get that far however depending on how long it takes to get the first things installed properly.
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Keep on ganbatte even with errors.