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No. 5474
Ohoho, thread for fightan discussion of all sorts
Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Guilty Gear Xrd, King of Fighters 14, Super Turbo, Sm4sh, Melee, Persona 4 Arena, Pokken, Blazblue, Arcana Hearts 3, Hisoutensoku, Urban Legend in Limbo, Soul Calibur, others
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Poongko smashed his stick and broke his hand. Now in bandages and using a pad. Washed up Korea.
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Lets play guilty gear
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>virgins in the fgc
Because they really look more autistic than the typical pro moba player?
I bet even Sonicfox the furry king of the Mortal Kombat scene gets laid with his buttplug and all.
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>>5529they all said they only played street fighter and smash bros and i dont like either of those games much
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>>5553How was it?
The game will have 50 characters when it's released. Hopefully Kula is good.
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>>5568Please stick it in me
>>5584They said she's the most powerful female sim player. It's popular because the Japanese like what they see I guess.
She's actually pretty good. She could easily win a local, but has trouble getting near the top in regionals. She's not too good at big international tournaments but only the best win those.
>>5586You're right she's not beating anyone that is like top 32 world wide. Her standing with the tour is in the 150th-230th place. That's actually still pretty good, for example EVO2k16 had over 5000 entrants, so probably top 5% of competitive players still.
I think it's because they find her cute. In the comments she said she was going to train in Japan.
She also seems pretty good with sim but I think she chokes a lot.
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if you have a ps4 you should buy revelator and play with me
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>>5601>>5602i melty and can host. i get like 80ms to japan from us west, my net is good
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>>5647ok how about 18:00 PST August 8, 2016 (21:00 EST August 8, 2016)
i will be idling on #ota @
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anon-kun's internet is significantly less fantastic than his cummer
we're going to play more later. if anyone else wants in, #ota @
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>>56631v1 me fox only final destination no itens
>>566815 frames lag if you play windowed
plus it doesn't have rollback yet, so there is a host advantage in netplay
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>>5672>>5672>>5672 yeah you too. too bad the connection is unstable
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Apparently capcom is taking away people's fight money who used the survival mode cheat. They still haven't added a different way to get the colors yet…
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>>5759oh wow they really did it… its not my fault they locked the cool colors behind ridiculous AI.
atleast the only thing I lost was the FM. i don't remember how much I originally had.
>>5760I only lost like 10000 since I only did it for a few characters and spent all of it on Stages/DLC Characters/Costumes/Colors. They didn't take those away, so I didn't really lose anything.
Apparently if you do it again they'll ban your capcom fighter ID though…
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>>5926remember when you could spoof your network so capcom thought you had purchased premium costumes?
someone could exploit this to get root access to your machine.
The low level executables they install into your System32/ folder apparently have almost no security checking, but I haven't bothered to check myself.
I would recommend you don't launch the game, but I can't stop you from putting yourself at risk. be safe.
>>5930I read enough about it to know it's bad.
Yes, all Capcom is doing is trying to prevent cheating. No, Capcom isn't trying to break into your computer. But you are giving the program permission to do anything, read or write any file. If someone malicious figures out how to take control of your game program and make it do bad things, they can do some very bad things that they wouldn't have been able to do without these permissions.
>>5936I doubt anyone here or in the comments actually knows what kernel is, just a word to make it sound impressive. It's obvious they all blow it out of proportion and now ppl are saying don't play it even with the roll back patch.
What? How does that make sense? I thought egalitarian liberal atheist male gamers that troll comment sections weren't supposed to be the irrational ones.
>>5937I know what a kernel is.
I'll admit that I don't know much about windows permissions, but I know enough and have read enough about this particular issue to know that it is a dangerous workaround that should have never been released. Why are you defending it? Nobody ITT is trolling, with the possible exception of you.
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>>5938Really? And are you also literally too afraid to play with the rollback patch?
I know permissions is very dangerous just look at this gif. This could have been your fate, what a close call.
>>5939>And are you also literally too afraid to play with the rollback patch?No, I don't even play this game. They removed the problem but that doesn't change the fact it was a dumb ``fix''.
I don't really get what you're trying to say with your turdposting.
>>5943It's a huge security risk, people recognized it was a huge security risk, comlained, and it was promptly removed.
It could very conceivibly be used as a backdoor by anyone, including the NSA.
No, I don't play the game, but I'm interested in computer security and it bothers me that a company would even consider pushing something this poorly designed.
>>6080Just block and punish. If they always dp on wakeup just don't try stuff on their wakeup until they stop doing it(probably because you chunk 30% of their lifebar each time they try it). different for each game, but if you block a dp you can usually do a huge punish.
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>>6300I don't play fighting games much but I got doa because of the hot babes and all i can say is it's really hard
Like if I put the CPU at 4/10 I can barely win, and there's so many combos and mechanics that it's hard to keep track of them all. But I only just started so maybe I'll get better
But the babes are hot so I like it
>>6303Yeah the girls being really hot is part of why I am thinking about getting it. I like Mai the most.
But my question is: are there people online? I don't like playing against the CPU, I feel that playing against real people is the point of fighting games.
>>6304DoA is really fun for the cute girls, but in terms of a fighting game it's sub par so no one really plays it competitively. The mechanics are fun but it plays as a novelty similar to the beach volley boy games? Are you really even playing volley ball? Still fun, online on PC is rather dead.
If you are interested in cute girl fighters get King of Fighters, or Guilty Crown, more people tend to play these (mostly Mexicans).
SFV or 3rd strike I find to be the most competitive.
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Nobody play 大乱闘 スマッシュ ブラザーズ DX?
>>6328kof and (soon) Tekken7 (PBUH)
i'll play with you once Tekken 7 comes out, post your PSN addy
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Play Guilty Gear!
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>>6426I am not; PC only sorry.
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nitro plus blasterz is the greatest achievement of mankind
the epitome of the fighting game genre
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Thinking of getting Samurai Shodown V Special for PS4
The roster looks sick and I was informed that Watsuki made a few character designs.
I don't plan to invest too much time into it but if the online is populated I will give it a try for sure.
Can you find matches?
>>7451I didn't know they released it on there. I'm thinking of getting it now too.
>>7334That's not Aquapazza.
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bought unist two days ago
getting bodied online..
that bbtag demo was pretty fun but I don't have ps4
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I'm really having a lot of fun playing Karin so I went and bought her story costume with my FM and I think the Roll color palette looks quite nice
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I have to gimp myself while playing with my friend or he will quit fighters for months. I have to go all out against anyone else and I still lose….
On time I made the mistake of playing a random character which happened to be my friends main and then accidentally won once with his main and he stopped playing right there and then..
>>7530That's a good idea actually.
His biggest problem is not blocking high low fast enough so maybe we'll play a slightly modified sweeps and throws with overheads thrown in.
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