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Trans rights.
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Trans rights.
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>>502323I can't admit to a contradiction I didn't make. I do believe that you deserve to be protected from people discriminating against you because you're a virgin, or because you're ugly, or whatever other issue you might be hinting at.
>>502325Did you reply to the wrong post? I am the majority.
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>>502312>>502306>>502307Did oatman set it up so all of Henri's post get filtered to "trans rights"
>>502320By and large, people disagree with discrimination and violence on principle. That's not contentious in the slightest. Someone who's trans is just as much a person as any other. Few will disagree with any of those sentiments besides genuine bigots, but those are few and far between. That said, "transgenderism" (as presented in the media and online) is a luxury concern only affordable to the bourgeoisie and petite-bourgeoisie in the same way that the feminist movements post-Suffragettes are. This is abundantly clear through the language and terminology used; chiefly, identifying as "trans" in the first place. Rather than prefacing "I'm a man" or "I'm a woman", the label of choice is "I'm trans," or "I'm a trans man," and so on. Likewise, the demands of the "trans movement" is completely disproportional in scope and counter-productive to their stated goals. Firstly, in regards to the disproportionality of their goals, is _cultural accommodation._ In other words, in stark contrast to the _genuine_ movements of rights expansion (the aforementioned Sufragettes, Civil Rights protestors, and most recently the gay acceptance movement) which sought the expansion of rights (voting for women, marriage for gay couples, desegregation for colored peoples), the "trans movement" demands that culture and language be made "more inclusive."
Again, therein they've shown their hand once more; arguably, a woman has no more rights than a man and vice versa. After all, a trans person is no less a man or a woman, so why must _anything_ change? This contention only exists because the "trans movement" places the identity of being trans above that of sex that a trans person is. Likewise, there's an intense backlash against the revisionism and genuine cultural appropriation of the "trans movement" because they seek to alter material for their stated purpose of "inclusion." Case in point is the appropriation and consolidation of anything "sexually deviant" or non-gender conforming as being "trans." For example, crossdressers are now included within the sphere of transgenderism. Likewise, because language is of such import to the "trans movement," anyone who uses pronouns not inline with their sex are now within the sphere of transgenderism. To at least loop this back to anime and stuff, Astolfo has been hoisted as a symbol of transgenderism… despite not being trans, because… Y'know… He's just a gay crossdresser… Perhaps if the "trans movement" were as intellectually rigorous as it is aggressively expansionist, it might also include Sachiko Koshimizu in their roster of trans characters because she uses "boku" despite being a female. Secondly, the "trans movement" works in direct contrast of its stated aims. That being, the inclusion and acceptance of trans people as what they identify as.
As previously stated however, their constant drive to instead identify themselves as "trans" first and foremost, rather than "female" or "male," has lead to them instead becoming a sort of "pseudo-gender." That being, they're neither female nor male, but "trans." Though not in the same vein, though equally counter-productive, is on the front of accommodation. That is, misgendering, discomfort, and other such misunderstandings are all perceived as the same sort of discrimination as hiring discrimination, for example. E.g. de facto (social) discrimination is equivalent to de jure (governmental) discrimination. Finally, (and what I personally believe most people take issue with) because the "trans movement" identifies itself among the previously mentioned rights movements, they push for "trans rights" as if there are no other issues of greater importance to be rallying behind. For example, a trans person having the "right" to use the restroom of the gender that they identify as is more important than there being a $15 minimum wage and so on. And, because there is that sense among the "trans movement," there's a distinct "if you're not for us, you're against us," mentality which ostracizes and excludes anyone who does not share the same views as they do.
>>502336>>502337>>502338>>502339>besides genuine bigots, but those are few and far betweenOne of your first and most important assertions is completely unsupported.
>a woman has no more rights than a man and vice versa [ . . . ] "trans movement" places the identity of being trans above that of sex that a trans person isThis is a strawman. As a specific example, a woman might say she has a right to receive mammograms. A man might say he has a right to receive a prostate exam. A trans person will have specific and unique medical needs.
>For example, a trans person having the "right" to use the restroom of the gender that they identify as is more important than there being a $15 minimum wageThis was really silly. Minimum wage is controversial because of economic considerations, not because of human rights.
The rest of your complaints boil down to people being silly. Every demographic with an agenda has the same problems. A rational person doesn't dismiss the issues a marginalized group faces just because some of its members are irrational. People tend to act out when you treat them poorly. For instance, I can still empathize with hopeless romantics despite people like
>>502321 >>502323
>>502327 being bitter and hateful. Their bad attitude doesn't mean that no one has treated them unjustly.
>>502345>One of your first and most important assertions is completely unsupported.I am an incomparable homo
>This is a strawman.Hence, "arguably."
>The rest of your complaints boil down to people being silly.That was the point… Did you not read the final statement? Hint: "People hate the movement."
>>502349That image literally says that in a group of 4 people, 1-2 of them believe that a trans person shouldn't be protected from discrimination. Can you explain how that is few and far between?
And yes, I read your entire wall of text. Hint: A rational person doesn't dismiss the issues a marginalized group faces just because some of its members are irrational.
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>>502352>Can you explain how that is few and far between?A literal plurality isn't good enough for you? That's higher than the percentage of people that thought race was the most important issue during the 60s. Ahem, "A rational person," you are not.
>A rational person doesn't dismiss the issues a marginalized group faces just because some of its members are irrational.Whether you like it or not, presentation is everything. "Non-violent protest" ring any bells? If the average interaction someone has with a trans person is not only online (which cheapens the worth of discourse since there's no immediate bearing on their personal situation) but to be chided and harassed for their misconceptions, can you understand why some people might not have a favorable view of them over all?
>>502337I always didn't really understand why they decided to pull the ideas of traps, crossdressing, drag, acting out of gender roles, etc. into their movement while seeming to simultaneously alienating those things and consider them offensive if they weren't part of the movement. Let alone with fictional characters who are traps but not trans.
Middle aged women laughing at drag queen comedy has probably lead to more acceptance and understanding for the plight for gays and trannies than just about anything else besides stonewall.
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wow this thread really sucks now lets go back to posting gay animes
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>>502363>That doesn't give someone who's trying to make a logical argument an excuse to be dismissive.My point, you fucking dullard, is that your "movement" does a piss poor job at actually changing "hearts and minds," because it's needless combative and bloated with what essentially amounts to feature creep. It's no wonder why the trans movement has to tie itself at the waist to the gay rights movement (which has done all the heavy lifting, hence why support for trans rights is virtually identical to that of gay rights). Otherwise for as much good as you've done, you'd be polling at or below 50% support (I.e. firmly along party lines).
Maybe reflect on _why_ people dislike your movement and take to heart what I wrote instead of you yourself being dismissive and you'll get higher than 73 percent approval. At that be grateful you even have 73% approval rather than crying because we're not at 100%, you ungrateful little shit.
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they're still posting paragraphs that aren't fan fiction, who the heck would read all that
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It's time.
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>>502543Otamin is trans now and Henri said something bad about trannies.
So he word filtered Henri's posts to "Trans rights."
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Trans rights.
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Trans rights.
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Trans rights.
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Trans rights.
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>>502568Time to get a fancy trip like the one lolimo has/had?
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Haha, check out this one… CHENri
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>>502574Cute as flipping h*ck.
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