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have you not seen
>>505323? we're killing it, shit's fire bro
>>505701The sad part is, nothing lasts forever and one day ota may be gone.
This small community we still have left from /jp/ over 7 years ago would finally be split. Most have already either got on with their life or died.
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dont need these existential feels this late at night, go back to niceposting
>>505722i have zero political power and my opinions and thoughts are utterly worthless
society has become a surreal spectacle comedy and the only way to remain sane is to detach
Not even the soyboys whom people think care about politics care, they are just virtue signaling. They just do otaku shit instead like retro gaming or figure collecting. Politics is the lowest of the low appealing to the lowest of the low, and, of course, people who think they understand but they just become part of the circus, useful idiots. I've been improving on my life steadily ever since I left behind the whole western garbage. I don't even read the news and nothing, I repeat, nothing effected my life in any way except the very late coromeme lockdowns. "Politics" is just a part of infotainment now put in front by actual economic entities whom want to keep you out of the economy. It's just garbage. You are just another faggot throwing shit on an otaku board where none of this belongs (nor sjws), and you are just ruining it.
>>505749henri: cringe
turt: based
its simple math
I mean, some people obviously stop posting eventually but I think the process is greatly accelerated and the spinoffs are all mostly dead because basically almost every admin is fucking retarded/incompetent/indifferent
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I think the thing that annoys me most about the idolposter species is that they keep making dumb threads like this year after year after year, despite already have two failed boards that appealed to them directly. No one wants to post on boards that are run that way. If you are still here and still metawhinging like this an entire 8 years later you have the observational skills of an autistic gradeschooler.
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havent made any posts in ages
there's just nothing left i want to say
sure i could post a pic of an anime girl and make a stupid little comment and we can all play along but really it's just become inane and cringe
i only watch maybe one or two new anime a season and usually have nothing to say about them, i dont read much manga or am interested in erotic comics or play video games or vn's
why did i even start coming to these places
im 31, time to move on
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What are some cool communities I can go to? I promise I won't ruin them.